
Your Guide to Lap Band Surgery

Lap band surgery is a method of attaching a band around the stomach to create a smaller pocket that fills up more quickly. It means you feel full sooner and can help with weight loss. Learn more about lap band surgery with out handy guide.

With the rise of adults who just keep putting on the pounds, weight loss is a topic that will not be going away any time soon… and rightfully so. It’s more important than ever that weight loss is controlled.

One way to do that is with a procedure called Lap Band surgery.

So, what exactly is Lap Band surgery? What kind of complications are associated with it? And is it a procedure that would work for you?

To help you answer those questions, let’s look into the specifics of the surgery and discuss what the pros and cons may be for you.

What is Lap Band Surgery?

A Lap Band procedure, sometimes known as a gastric band, is a weight loss surgery that places an adjustable band around the stomach. This band will create a smaller stomach pouch above it which will cause you to feel fuller much quicker than you normally would. This decreases the amount of food you would eat, thus resulting in weight loss.

The FDA approved Lap Band surgery in 2001 for the treatment of morbid obesity. It is the second most common weight loss procedure, with gastric bypass surgery being the most frequently performed.

What to Expect

In the weeks leading up to your surgery, you will be asked to lose as much weight as you can on your own. It is shown that the more weight you lose before a procedure, it lowers your risk of complications. It also helps set up good weight loss habits that will help with losing weight afterward.

The procedure itself is a short surgery, usually 1 to 2 hours, and performed laparoscopically. A port will be placed under the skin, which is used to tighten or loosen the band with a saline injection.

Your doctor will be able to adjust the band at any time, based on your needs, without having to go through surgery again.

The amount of weight that is lost afterward depends on each person. Usually, 20% of excess weight is lost after the first 3 months, 30% after six months, and 40% after a year. On average, half of the excess weight is lost 2 years post-surgery.

What Are The Risks?

As with any surgery, there will always be risks. But with Lap Band, the risks usually are more common after the procedure.

One risk is that the band can deteriorate. This can happen any time after the procedure, but usually a year or two after it is placed. When this happens, the band will need to be removed.

Another risk is that the band can cause a perforation in the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially dangerous as it causes acids and fecal matter to leak into the abdomen.

There are also side-effects that can cause issues for some patients. Intolerance of certain foods will cause digestion problems that result in terrible nausea and vomiting. Bowel function changes can occur with the diet change. Others experience sagging skin from the rapid weight loss.

How Much Does It Cost?

Lap Band surgery usually costs anywhere between $15,000 – $30,000. Most health insurance policies cover the procedure, especially those policies that also cover gastric bypass surgery. However, you should check the specifics of what exactly your insurance will and won’t pay for the procedure.

Most insurance companies will only cover one Lap Band procedure. If you should have to have the band removed sometime in the future, you may have to cover the costs yourself. Removal of the band will cost just as much, if not more, than the placement did.

Things to Consider

Besides the risks and cost, there are other things that you should take into consideration before deciding if the procedure is right for you.

Lifestyle Change

The needed lifestyle change tends to be the hardest for most people to deal with. A Lap Band procedure isn’t a cure-all. It requires diet and exercise changes that some might not be ready to commit to.

Just because you have a smaller stomach pouch doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. It will take a while after surgery for your stomach to get used to its new size, which means you will have to gradually introduce solid foods to your system again.

Over-eating or eating certain unhealthy food can cause you to get sick. That is why it’s important healthy eating habits are maintained well after the procedure. Continuing to eat unhealthy foods will stop you from losing weight, or even make you gain it back.

Health Benefits

But of course, with the procedure and the needed lifestyle change, there are health benefits that come along with the weight loss.

Some of the health benefits patients see are:

  • Remission of diabetes
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Improved joint health
  • Decreased cancer risk
  • Improvement in gastric reflux
  • Improved asthma symptoms
  • Increased fertility for those suffering from getting pregnant

And many more!

Surgeon Selection

It’s important that you don’t leave your procedure in the hands of just anyone. Do your research to find a highly qualified surgeon with good reviews and success stories. Not only will this improve your chances of success, it will give you the peace of mind you need.

Whether you’re looking to have Lap Band surgery in Columbus, Ohio or Los Angeles, California, there should be a surgeon in your area that can give you the quality care you deserve.

How Does It Compare To Other Weight Loss Procedures?

One of the big advantages of Lap Band is that it is adjustable and removable. Being able to customize the tightness of the band is ideal in finding the band size that works best for you. And if you should ever decide you want it out, you have that option.

Though, when it comes to weight loss and health improvements, Lap Band falls behind gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and duodenal switch. That being said, however, Lap Band is the only one of those that is reversible, so weighing out the pros and cons is best for your particular situation.

Lap Band May Be a Great Option For You

As with any procedure, consult a physician to determine is Lap Band surgery is right for you. But if you are ready for a change and need that little extra help, it could very well be a procedure that can change your life.

Want to get a head-start on your weight loss plan? Click here to find the real hidden value of exercise!

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