
What To Expect During A Deep Dental Cleaning Service in Greenbelt?

Oral hygiene requires frequent cleanings but is not always enough as deeper concerns often arise. This is why when you notice bacteria in the gum line, a thorough dental cleaning by a Greenbelt general dentist is required to restore gum health. But what about the standard cleanings? They are recommended every six months for optimal dental health and target teeth above the gum line. 

The advantages:

Dental deep cleaning can help a lot. Note that it is also known as scaling and root planing and typically helps removes bacteria from the gum line and slows the advancement of gum disease. 

How can it help? While regular cleanings keep your teeth clean, deep cleanings stop gum disease. 

How can it help? While regular cleanings keep your teeth clean, deep cleanings stop gum disease. According to experts, deep cleaning avoids tooth loss and damage in people who have gingivitis or advanced gum disease. It is important to remember that the deep cleaning process will vary from person to person, depending on their specific needs. 

Things to keep in mind:

It can prove to be rather difficult to tell whether you have gum disease. Gum disease frequently goes undetected since there is no pain or obvious indications. So, what are some symptoms you can look out for? Do make sure to watch out for symptoms like bad taste, loose teeth, bleeding, redness, swelling of the gums, and gum recession.

Moreover, in terms of what you can expect during the dental checkup, your dentist will be running some tests and X-rays and will be checking some gum pockets. 

When it comes to the deeper pockets, they may need a thorough cleaning to treat infections and help with the healing process, either in specific regions or over a larger area.

The process:

Remember that plaque is physically removed above and below the gum lines. It is generally done using tools such as hand scalers and ultrasonic devices. 

Root planing smooths dental roots, which discourages bacterial attachment. In some cases, antibiotics may be used to treat microorganisms that are difficult to reach. Moreover, it is probably going to be a two-session treatment, and the cleaning of the entire mouth will be covered.

Final thoughts:

To ensure the overall health of your mouth, regular deep cleanings are recommended. If you are booking a session for the first time in Greenbelt, get in touch with a dentist today for more information.

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