
Tips for Maintaining a Healthy, Pest-Free Home

A happy home is a healthy home. A healthy home is the one without any insects running around freely and disrupting your peace. Even if you always keep your home clean, you can still go through pest invasion. But it’s up to us to minimise all and any risk, so let’s see how you can maintain a healthy and pest-free home.

A clean home is a must

A clean home is like a natural pest repellent. If there isn’t anything for them to feed on, they won’t find refuge in your home. Pests like ants or cockroaches aren’t picky eaters; they’ll devour anything. So, start by setting up a regular cleaning practice. Remind every house member to clean immediately after they eat, particularly those areas where crumbs and food particles tend to accumulate, such as the kitchen and dining areas.

Store food the right way

If you tend to leave food out in the open in your kitchen or dining room, it’s like an invitation to a feast. You’ll be away for a few minutes, and when you return, you’ll see rows of ants marching around. The solution is to adopt better habits and store food in tight containers. Make sure to seal bags of food tight and put items like cereal and flour into sealable containers. Keep countertops and pantry shelves clean and free of crumbs to deter pests further.

Inspect your home

If you know that you have insects running around your home, it’s time to inspect your home. You need to check for entry points, especially if they are still present after the initial steps. Check your home for any gaps or cracks around entry points, such as doors, windows, and pipes. If there are cracks or openings, seal them with caulk or specialised tape. Simply put, it’s about preventing them to find their way in. Also, check all gaps around installations like utility lines and vents as well.

Conduct regular pest inspections

Maybe you live in an area prone to pest invasions or you had trouble with them in the past. If this is the case, you should conduct regular pest inspections. For example, this is a common practice in Australia, as it prevents the spread of insects. Calling pest control Cairns is a common practice, and it ensures peace of mind. You should also schedule regular pest control inspections and catch any potential for a problem as early as possible. It’s about preventing a full-blown pest invasion, which can be quite a hassle to eradicate.

Take out the garbage

A simple solution for your pest invasion problems can be as simple as taking out the garbage. Pests like cockroaches are attracted to trash, so keep trash sealed and away from your home. One man’s trash is a feast for pests, so cut their source of food. Make sure to rinse out containers before you separate the trash for recycling. Also, consider using a compost bin for organic waste, but ensure the lid is tight and secure.

Keep your outdoor areas clean

Not only do you need to maintain your indoor areas, but you also need to keep your outdoor areas in order. Just think of it like this – anything that finds its food on the inside, can easily look for food inside your house. Mown the lawn regularly, trim the bushes, dispose of dead plants, and remove any water. If there are clogged gutters or areas with water, it can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. By keeping your backyard tidy, you’ll decrease the percentage of hiding spots for pests.

Turn to nature for help

Using harsh chemicals such as insecticides to fix the problem of insects running around your home can be effective. But it’s also toxic for you. So, the alternative would be to use natural pest repellent. These are citrus peels, vinegar and peppermint oil. You can soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them strategically around your home. As a result, your home will smell lovely, and you’ll cover all possible entry points.

Lastly, if you have a pet, you must be aware that pet food can also attract insects. So, right after your pet has a meal, clean the area around it. Also, keep a lid on the pet bowl; it will prevent pests from using it as their food source.

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