
What to Do If You Suffer from An Allergy?

People often suffer from some form of allergyand this is very annoying. Seasonal, food or substance allergies give you discomfort and hamper your daily life. Taking medicines and pills tire you out. The common symptoms of allergy are red eyes, sniffling, sneezing and itching. Some people suffer from any one or a few of these symptoms together. Now if you suffer from an allergy, what should you do?

Safe &Natural treatment for allergies

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Natural remedies help you keep allergies at bay. They are inexpensive and effective to not only prevent allergies but heal you as well. They are safe and have no side effects at all. Given below are some common natural allergy remedies-

1.Apple Cider Vinegar- A weak immune system is responsible for allergies. This is why you should keep the gut clean. Apple Cider Vinegar is a strong immune booster and gut healer. It promotes the growth of “probiotics” or friendly bacteria in the gut. You get organic Apple Cider Vinegar in the market or opt for this natural ingredient in capsule form.

2.Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids- Those people who consume food rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are less likely to develop allergies in the body. You will find them in fish or fish supplements. You can also find these fatty acids in flaxseed, sesame seeds, walnuts, safflower seeds and primrose oil, the latter being rich in Omega 6 fatty acids.

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  1. Green tea- You may drink hot or cold green tea. It has nutrients and is anti-histamine that helps in combating allergies. Drinking three to four cups of green tea will also rid the body from toxins.
  2. Stress reduction- Stress is a major trigger of allergies and it is important for you to reduce stress as much as you can. Meditation and good lifestyle habits help you to combat allergies that invade the body.
  3. Nettle- The herb nettle is an anti-histamine and reduces allergies in the body. This herb is available in the form of capsules that you can find in major health stores. Generally, three capsules of 500 milligrams are recommended thrice a day for relief from allergic conditions.

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Start enjoying yourself again

Allergies snatch the joy from your life. You might have an allergy to a season, animals, food etc. They stop you from living life to the fullest. The best remedies for allergies is to boost the immune system and restore balance in the human body. The mind and body should be at peace. Do not exert yourself and do rest and sleep well. Personal hygiene also goes a long way when it comes to combating allergies. Maintaining good habits will make you feel better and happy. Last but not the least, drink plenty of water and have a healthy balanced diet!

Therefore, if you suffer from allergies, the above tips will help you in a large manner. They ensure you get the best natural remedies you deserve. You do not need to pop in pills or take bitter medicines anymore!

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