
What Is Gum Recession?

There are many types of gum disease that patients struggle with every day. One of the most common complications is recession. Receding gums occurs when a patient loses gum tissue surrounding teeth. This Monterey gum disease results in exposed teeth, especially the roots. Patients with gum recession may also develop gaps between teeth, making them more susceptible to plaque buildup. There is a need to treat gum recession as soon as possible to prevent extreme complications like tooth loss.

The reason your gums are receding

There are different causes of receding gums. Confirming the root cause of gum recession is the first step towards developing an ideal treatment to restore periodontal integrity. Examples of causes of gum recession include:

  • Bacterial gum infections: These gum diseases affect gum tissue function, and thus it becomes difficult to support and hold teeth in place.
  • Genetics: There are specific genes that leave patients predisposed to gum recession. If you have a close relative with receding gums, you will likely develop the condition regardless of how well you take care of your oral organs.
  •  Hormonal changes: This factor is common in women. Hormone fluctuation affects the gums, leaving them vulnerable to recession.
  • Brushing your teeth aggressively: This factor causes mechanical damage to your gums and teeth. As a result, you will cause your gums and enamel to wear away.
  • Teeth grinding and clenching: This habit puts a lot of pressure on your teeth and gums. Over time, a recession occurs.
  • Poor dental hygiene: Failure to clean your teeth and gums will result in plaque buildup. Over time the plaque hardens into tartar which may lead to gum recession.
  • Smoking: Tobacco makes one more vulnerable to developing plaque, the number one cause of receding gums.

What are the most common treatments for gum recession?

Treatment for gum recession will depend on the cause and severity of the condition. The best way to correct mild gum recession is to eliminate any plaque buildup. Doctors usually recommend a deep cleaning procedure which includes tooth scaling and root planing. Your dentist will remove any plaque and tartar on the teeth and root surfaces during this treatment. Smoothening exposed root area protects the teeth and gums from bacteria. Alternatively, antibiotics can help eliminate any harmful bacteria in your mouth.

Can surgery help eliminate gum recession?

A doctor will recommend gum surgery to treat gum recession if there is deep loss of bone and pockets, which conventional treatments like dental cleaning cannot correct. Two types of gum surgeries can help repair gum recession:

  • Open flap scaling and root planning: This procedure involves reducing the size of pockets by folding gum tissue, removing accumulated plaque, and securing the tissue back over the tooth root.
  • Regeneration: This surgical procedure helps restore any bone loss. Regeneration is a procedure similar to open flap scaling and root planing. However, after removing accumulated bacteria and exposing the bone, the dentist will insert a regenerative material, usually a graft tissue.
  • Soft tissue graft: Your dentist will remove a piece of subepithelial connective tissue from your palate and graft it onto your gums.

Contact Perio & Implant Centers of Monterey Bay to find out more about which treatment is ideal for gum recession.

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