
Top 5 Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes breathing problems while the person sleeps. People can experience sleep apnea due to many different factors, such as obesity, snoring, or high levels of stress. There are many ways to combat sleep apnea, but one common method that has been found effective is the use of a CPAP machine. 

You can consult a Columbia, South Carolina dentist to learn more about different ways to treat sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is extremely common, affecting over 50 million American adults. As many as one-in-five people in the U.S. will experience sleep apnea at least once during their lifetime. Sleep apnea can be detected by physical examination or by the measurement of oxygen levels in the blood during sleep.

We will now see into the top 5 causes of sleep apnea.

  • Excess weight

Obesity is the highest known risk factor for sleep apnea. Individuals with excess weight are susceptible to sleep apnea because they tend to experience more obstructive breathing, where breathing is disrupted by fat and tissue in the throat. It may appear as snoring, but it is serious and can be deadly, if not treated immediately

  • Older age

As with most other diseases, aging increases one’s risk for sleep apnea. As the body grows older, tissues tend to weaken and become more fragile. The throat tissues, in particular, are at a greater risk of collapse than those of a younger individual, especially if the person is obese or has enlarged tonsils or adenoids.  

  • Narrowed airway

A narrow airway is a condition in which breathing is restricted by the size of the throat. When the airway is narrowed, it becomes difficult for carbon dioxide to pass through and for oxygen to reach the lungs. This causes suffocation because one cannot breathe properly, which can lead to serious complications, such as cardiovascular collapse and death.  

  • Chronic nasal congestion

When the nose is congested or filled with mucus, it creates a blockage in one’s breathing system. This makes breathing more difficult and can contribute to sleep apnea. If left untreated, it can lead to complications such as airway obstruction and even weight gain over time.

  • High blood pressure

Just as one’s airway can become narrower, so too can the arteries. High blood pressure is a condition where the pressure in the arteries becomes too high, which restricts blood flow. And that makes breathing more difficult. If a person has high blood pressure and is overweight, it may be difficult to breathe properly while asleep.  

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