Beauty Care

The Basics of Laser Treatment for Pigmentation in Singapore

Cosmetic procedures to treat pigmentation problems including melasma, freckles, etc. are growing more in demand in Singapore. Pigmentation problems are characterized by the appearance of uneven skin coloration (lighter, darker or color loss) on specific areas of the body which can be brought on by genetic makeup, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, some lifestyle habits, certain diseases/conditions, and other factors. The appearance of the complexion may be impacted by the discoloration of the skin, which may also make the affected individual feel self-conscious. One of the numerous options open to Singaporeans is pigmentation and melasma.

The first step in getting pigmentation treatments in Singapore is to see a dermatologist. It is important to understand that there is no single remedy for all pigmentation issues, as treatment may vary according to the patient’s skin type and severity of pigmentation. Aside from lasers, patients can choose from a variety of different treatment alternatives. The dermatologist will need to do a number of medical examinations such as a physical exam, blood tests, light tests, and so on in order to identify the course of treatment. The dermatologist will also look at the patient’s medical and family history to evaluate the patient’s condition. The dermatologist can then make a diagnosis after thorough examination then create the proper treatment plan, which may include laser treatments if ideal or suitable. There are already a lot of safe and effective laser technologies available  in the market today to cater to numerous cases of pigmentation. Some clinics in Singapore offer packages to treat two pigmentation issues with lasers if applicable. The laser treatment can also be used in conjunction with other energy-based devices such as ultrasound or radiofrequency technology.

In general, there are two types of lasers used in pigmentation treatments namely the ablative and non-ablative lasers where each type can be utilized in fractionated or unfractionated mode. Non-fractionated lasers deal with the entire treated surface, while fractionated lasers deal with only portions of the treatment area in a pixelated form. Here is how ablative and non-ablative works:

  • Ablative lasers-eliminates the skin’s thin epidermis or outer layer and warms the underlying skin or dermis, stimulating collagen development. The treated region appears smoother and tighter as the epidermis heals and regrows.
  • Non-ablative lasers-less aggressive than ablative lasers and require less time to recover. However, the results are less visible.

As the name suggests, Laser pigmentation treatment employs light beams (lasers) to target and destroy pigmented cells in the skin. It can target and disintegrate undesirable dark patches without harming the surrounding skin tissue or skin cells. When the target pigmentation reaches the surface of the skin, they fade or become dry then flakes-off the treated region in 3-7 days, leaving the skin with an even tone and complexion. The process of laser treatments is not painful but with little discomfort because the heat from the laser is concentrated at the surface of the skin.

Prior to laser treatment, the area of skin to be treated (like the face for example) will be cleansed and a numbing cream may be applied to the sites to be treated for sensitive patients. For up to 48 hours following treatment, the treated region may feel like sunburn, however cold packs and a recovery gel should be used to minimize redness and irritation.

The number of sessions required for a laser treatment for pigmentation and melasma will depend on the specific pigmentation issue (i.g., the type, color, and depth of pigmentation, as well as the state of the skin) will determine the number of treatments required and their effectiveness.  There are instances where multiple laser treatment sessions may be required. Sometimes, the treatment plan will be a combination of topical creams and laser treatment in order to achieve the best results. For the duration of each laser treatment session, most laser treatments can be performed in 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the type and size of the pigmented region to be treated.  In Singapore, the laser treatment sessions are done four to six weeks apart to allow the skin to repair and renew appropriately.

The results of laser treatment have been reported to have a good track record. The majority of patients who have undergone laser treatment for pigmentation got a 70% or more improvement during the course of their treatments. The pigmentation is unlikely to return if the suggested post-treatment rules are followed and the treated area is properly cared for and maintained. The common recommended post-treatment care are:

  • Stay out of the sun and use a broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreen to prevent additional sun damage.
  • Refrain from using irritant-containing products such as vitamin A, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid for a week.

There are known risks and side effects caused by laser treatments for pigmentation. Before the start of the treatment, the dermatologist will go over the risks and probable side effects of the pigment removal laser, as well as how to reduce them. The most frequent adverse effects are redness, swelling, and temporary darkening of the treated area, which typically go away in three to seven days.

The cost of laser treatment for pigmentation in Singapore can range from $300 to $2,000 and will mainly depend on the chosen method for treatment. Just an important note: most patients believe that lasers are the only treatment option for skin pigmentation issues and that all situations are the same; unfortunately, this is not true since, while most skin pigmentation problems appear similar, there are numerous types of skin pigmentation problems, and every case has a unique cause and treatment plan. This is why, if you have a skin pigmentation issue you should always consult your dermatologist before beginning any treatment. Each case of skin pigmentation will necessitate a unique treatment strategy to get effective results. To guarantee your safety and avoid major problems, make sure you acquire the correct diagnosis first from which it can only be obtained by consulting with a qualified medical specialist. In Singapore you would be glad to know that there are a lot of reputed dermatologists to help you with your skin issues.

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