
Side Effects of Losartan 100 mg

Losartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, is a commonly prescribed medication for hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetic nephropathy. Understanding its side effects, especially at higher doses like 100 mg, can empower patients to make informed decisions about their health.

1. Overview of Losartan

Losartan works by blocking the effects of a chemical called angiotensin II. This causes blood vessels to relax, leading to a reduction in blood pressure. While effective, losartan, especially at doses like 100 mg, can lead to a variety of side effects.

2. Common Side Effects

The following are some of the most commonly reported side effects associated with losartan:

  • Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Often occurs when you first start taking the medication or when your dose is increased.
  • Fatigue: Some people may feel unusually tired when taking losartan.
  • Stomach Pain: This can range from mild discomfort to severe pain.
  • Nasal Congestion: A stuffy nose can be a less common side effect.
  • Back or Leg Pain: Muscular discomfort has been noted by some users.

3. Serious Side Effects

While rare, there are some serious side effects you should be aware of:

  • Kidney Problems: Symptoms include changes in urine amount, swelling in your feet, or loss of appetite.
  • High Potassium Levels: This can lead to a slow or irregular heartbeat.
  • Low Blood Pressure: Especially after the first dose, you might experience significantly lowered blood pressure.
  • Allergic Reactions: Symptoms include swelling, rash, itching, severe dizziness, or trouble breathing.

4. Factors Influencing Side Effects

The side effects you might experience can depend on:

  • Dosage: Higher doses, like 100 mg, may lead to more pronounced side effects.
  • Age: Older adults may be more sensitive to the effects of losartan.
  • Other Medications: Combining losartan with other drugs can increase the risk of side effects.
  • Underlying Health Conditions: Conditions like renal impairment can influence how losartan affects you.

5. Tips for Managing Side Effects

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water can help manage some side effects like dizziness.
  • Rise Slowly: To prevent dizziness, get up slowly from a sitting or lying position.
  • Regular Check-ups: Regular blood pressure and kidney function tests can help monitor for any adverse effects.
  • Discuss Concerns: Always communicate with your healthcare provider about any worries.


  • Q: Can I reduce my dosage if I experience side effects?
    • A: Consult with your doctor before adjusting your dosage. They’ll guide you on the best course of action.
  • Q: How long do side effects typically last?
    • A: While some side effects might diminish after a few days, others can persist. Always consult your doctor if they continue or worsen.
  • Q: Are there alternatives to losartan if I can’t tolerate its side effects?
    • A: Yes, several other medications can treat hypertension. Discuss alternatives with your healthcare provider.


Losartan, especially at the 100 mg dosage, can be an effective medication for managing hypertension. However, being aware of its potential side effects and how to manage them can ensure a safer and more comfortable treatment journey. Always prioritize open communication with your healthcare provider

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