
Most Common Sports Injuries: Prevention and Treatment


Sports injuries often occur as a result of the overuse of muscles and joints. You can fall prey to two kinds of injuries — acute and chronic. You should know a little about what they are. It will assist you in diagnosing them and treating them in the long run. An acute injury occurs due to a sudden accident. However, chronic is a bit different. It mainly occurs due to prolonged usage of certain muscle groups and joints.

You should always get it diagnosed before trying any self-medication practices. Sometimes, what appears to be benign can turn out to be malignant. More often than not, a sprain turns out to be a fracture. Therefore, you ought to get the right treatment at the right time.

Here you will know about the most common ones, along with prevention and treatments.

Ankle Sprain

The ankle sprain injury mainly occurs in the ligaments that keep the ankle in the proper position. While playing, if you twist or roll your ankle in the wrong direction, it leads to an ankle sprain. The ligaments on the sides are prone to stretching and tearing. You may regularly suffer from an ankle sprain if you are actively involved in volleyball, tennis, football, or basketball. In fact, if you have already suffered an ankle injury and have just returned to the field, it can occur again.

Many sports-persons often miss the snap and crack sound when a sprain occurs. However, the telltale signs of a sprain show up soon in the form of swelling.

Therefore, it is best to avoid a re-injury by taking rest for the prescribed time. You can exercise to increase your balance. Moreover, ankle braces also help prevent injury. The moment you realize that you have suffered an ankle sprain, you should apply ice on it. A doctor might prescribe an anti-inflammatory medicine and ask you to take adequate rest. You may also have to take the support of crutches. Ankle strengthening exercises can also help alleviate the pain.


Most athletes will suffer from Lumbago at some point in their careers. It will generally cover multiple conditions. You may suffer from acute injuries or chronic ones. Those who are into gymnastics, weight lifting, and volleyball often fall prey to this injury. You may suffer from mechanical and degenerative disc problems. Soreness is a common sign of such mechanical damages.

Moreover, mechanical injuries heal over time. Sometimes, the cartilaginous cushion in between each vertebra also wears off with time. Under such circumstances, you will feel pain and a burning sensation.

If you want to avoid getting such injuries, you need to maintain your ideal body weight. Additionally, your physio expert will suggest strengthening exercises. Strengthening your core can help prevent such situations. Moreover, you ought to maintain a proper posture while lifting weights. An active and healthy lifestyle can also lead to a pain-free sports career. If you have suffered such an injury, you need proper back pain treatment or therapy.

The diagnosis would often include an X-ray. It is necessary to observe the spinal alignment and stress fractures. The doctors will suggest plenty of rest, ice, and stretching exercises to alleviate the pain. You may also need to take anti-inflammatory medication. Returning to the grounds after recuperating depends on the stage which you are in. A proper warm-up and stretch can help you avoid such injuries later on.

Hamstring Injury

It is one of the most common injuries faced by runners and dancers. Sudden pain at the back of the thigh is the most common sign of hamstring. Higher age, flexibility issues, and imbalance often lead to such a condition. Some athletes also develop bruises over the area, apart from swelling. That is why most coaches stress over having proper warm-ups before any aerobic activity. You must include leg exercises before and after your training sessions. Resistance training exercises often help. Moreover, an athlete must return to the game only after prolonged rest and healing. There are high chances of getting injured again if he or she tries to return earlier.

An X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI are the ways one can get diagnosed. In this manner, the doctor will be able to observe the torn ligaments and tendons. Recuperating exercises include cycling and swimming. These are low-impact exercises that can fasten healing and also help you get on track earlier. Your doctor might suggest you take anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen. However, these also tend to have side effects. So, you should only use them for a short time and as prescribed by your doctor.

These are some of the most common injuries that one can face. If you want to avoid getting injured, stick to the prevention modalities before and after your sports training.

Meta title: Learning About the Most Common Sports Injuries
meta desc: If you want to prevent sports injuries, you must develop a fitness plan. It helps increase resistance and flexibility. But after one occurs, proper treatment is the only way. Read on to learn more.

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