
Know More About Getting Pregnant

When planning to get a baby, most women will do everything to conceive in their next cycle.  What you need to know is that getting pregnant can take some time. Statistics state that 20% of healthy women in their 30’s get pregnant each week. If you have any challenges, you can seek advice from Procrea Fertility; with their wealth of knowledge and experience, you’ll be in safe hands.

Continue reading to learn more about getting pregnant.

Know the Basics

Most people think that getting pregnant can happen anytime someone has sex; that is not true; it is complex. What happens is that there are different hormonal changes in a woman’s body. It makes an immature egg located in the ovary grow and mature. 

Every woman has a different cycle. The entire process takes 14 days when the menstrual period starts. When the egg matures, it is then released from the ovary, a process referred to as ovulation. 

The next step is the egg traveling to the fallopian tube than to the uterus. The egg is considered viable when it is released, and it mostly happens after about 24 hours. Sperm can fertilize the egg; it then travels to the uterus and implants into the uterine lining. 

The secret is in having sex before and during the ovulation phase. The sperm cells can be in the fallopian tubes when the egg gets released. The process makes it simpler during fertilization. Another fact is that sperms can be in the female reproductive system and survive for five days. 

The Right Time

The right time to have sex is around your menstrual cycle, and it will help boost your chances of getting pregnant. If you have regular cycles, then your ovulation happens about two weeks before the mistral cycle starts. That is the fertile window, and it happens seven days before ovulation. 

But, unfortunately, when your cycle is irregular, it can become quite challenging to predict when the ovulation will happen, hence not knowing the window period. The good news is that multiple approaches can help understand the fertile and ovulation phase. 

The Ovulation Kit

These are the kits used as a urine pregnancy test. You need to urinate on the test strip each morning before your ovulation phase. When the result is positive, you need to have sex on that day and the days to follow. The kits are readily in any pharmacy. 

When Should You Get Help

If you have been actively trying for about 12 months, you are below 35 years and you are not successful, you can seek the help of a medical doctor. They will help with fertility evaluation. In case you are over 35, it is advisable to wait for only six months. 

Another thing to know is that if you have had multiple miscarriages or a generic condition, you need to see a fertility expert. 


It can sometimes be challenging to get pregnant, especially if you have been trying it for many months or years. All you need is to engage a fertility doctor and relax, ensure you adhere to the advice. These are tips that will improve your chances of getting pregnant.

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