Hair Loss

How to treat flaky scalp at home?

The secret to healthy hair is a healthy scalp. So, when there’s something wrong with your scalp, the effects are directly visible on your tresses. A common issue that most people face, and which eventually affect their hair health is an itchy scalp. Dandruff is the primary cause of an itchy scalp, and it mostly occurs on the sebaceous areas (areas with oil-secreting glands), such as the scalp or face. An itchy scalp is accompanied by:

  • Flaking
  • Itching
  • Reddened skin
  • Yellow or white scales

Other causes of an itchy scalp include:

  • Diabetes
  • Shingles
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Head lice
  • Allergic reaction to medications

Treating an itchy scalp at home

The need to scratch your scalp can be quite annoying, and let’s not forget that it can cause severe damage to your scalp. Let’s look at some effective home remedies to treat an itchy scalp

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
    Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) possesses antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, which works wonders by reducing itching caused by dry skin. Do not forget to dilute the ACV with warm water before using it. Once you finish shampooing your hair, rinse it with this concoction to treat dandruff and the itchiness that tags along with it
  •  Peppermint oil
     Peppermint oil’s fragrance has a calming effect. When your scalp gets itchy, try using peppermint oil as it reduces dandruff and soothes your scalp, thereby calming the itch. However, ensure that you dilute the oil with olive oil, and massage it into your scalp before you shampoo. 
  •  Neem
    Neem has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which proves useful in treating itching that’s caused by dandruff. Boil a few neem leaves in a cup of water and strain it. Allow it to cool and rinse your hair with neem water. Repeat this process thrice a week and experience relief from itchy scalp. 
  •  Olive oil
    When you scratch your scalp, you notice flakes or crusts getting stuck in your fingernails. When you apply olive oil to your scalp, it softens and loosens the itchy crusts and scales on the surface of the scalp. Warm up the olive oil and massage it into your scalp. Leave the olive oil on for several hours before you wash it off with your shampoo. 
  •  Zinc pyrithione shampoo
     People who have to deal with dandruff and itchy scalp have more than double the amount of regular histamine on the skin on their heads than those with normal scalps. Zinc pyrithione plays a vital role in reducing the histamine levels and thereby reduces the itch intensity. If you are in search for answers about how to cure from dandruff by an anti-dandruff shampoo that uses zinc pyrithione, you can try browse the wide range of anti-dandruff shampoos and conditioners at Head & Shoulders.
  •  Organic Coconut oil

Organic coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which is a saturated fat that contains antimicrobial properties. Also, this ingredient allows your skin to absorb coconut oil readily, which makes it easier for your scalp to reap all its benefits. Coconut oil does an incredible job of soothing your irritated scalp and reduces the itchiness, while healing your scalp.

An itchy scalp is annoying and can get painful very quickly if you don’t give it immediate attention. Try these home remedies for itchy scalp and experience the relief you so rightly deserve.




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