
Going Solo or Stacking Dianabol Steroids with Other Performance Enhancers for Beginners

We are always skeptical while trying out new things for the first time. When it comes to medication or steroids we become all the more cautious. A wrong pill or dosage, can lead to danger consequences.

Dosage for Dianabol Only

Depending on your preference, you can either purchase tablets that are available in 5, 10 and 15mg forms or go in for injections.

Beginners can start off with a minimum dosage of 20 to 30 mg. Later on you can increase the dosage up to 50mg. Bear in mind that if you shoot up the dosage, your cycle duration needs to come down. After the cycle is completed, the next step is the Dianabol post cycle therapy (PCT).

This is necessary to avoid risks of liver damage and hormonal imbalance. PCT involves taking supplements after discontinuing use of Dianabol.

To Stack or Not to Stack

First and foremost, you need to understand what Dianabol is and how it can help you in building muscle mass. Dianabol is a very popular choice amongst bodybuilders. One of the reasons being they can help to improve stamina and endurance.

Many bodybuilders prefer to stack Dianabol with other steroids to help with their cutting or bulking cycle. Beginners are generally advised to go solo with Dianabol, so that you can see if it works for you or not. You can try out various brands and see which works best for you.

You need to start small when it comes to steroids. This is the reason why it is advisable to stick to the dosage that comes with the pack. Go in for cycles. A Dianabol only cycle lasts to approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Bear in mind not to go beyond this as it can increase the risk of liver damage.

After your body starts tolerating these steroids, you can stack them up with:

  • Deca Durabolin
  • Trenorol
  • Anadrol
  • Testo Max

Dosage for Dianabol Stacks

While stacking, if you are going for the Deca Durabolin stack, the recommended dosage would be:

  • For novice – Deca 400mg per week for 10 weeks and Dianabol 25mg per week for a month
  • For intermediate – Deca 600mg per week for 10 weeks and Dianabol 35mg per week for a month

For Trenorol Stacks

  • 25mg Dianabol and 42mg Trenorol per day for 5 weeks


If you suffer from any health conditions, you might want to discuss taking Dianabol with your doctor. If you are looking for performance enhancing steroids, then you need to investigate the pros and cons of all steroids that are available in the market.


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