
Asking if dental insurance plans include cosmetic procedures.

Many people would love to get cosmetic dental work done so they may regain their self-esteem and a more attractive smile, but the cost is a major barrier.

Discuss everything in detail beforehand with your dentist in New York, NY.

Does dental insurance cover a new smile, or must you pay for it yourself?

Our goal is to inform you about the variety of cosmetic procedures available, how much they typically cost, and whether or not your insurance covers them.

So, what exactly is “cosmetic dentistry”?

Cosmetic dentistry aims to make your smile more attractive to others. Elective cosmetic dentistry emphasizes the aesthetics of a patient’s smile and overall appearance but is not mandatory.

What Makes Cosmetic Dentistry Different from Regular Dentistry?

As was previously mentioned, cosmetic dentistry is mostly concerned with how your teeth and gums look.

By contrast, general dentistry encompasses both preventative and restorative procedures, such as dental checkups, cleanings, fillings, crowns, and bridges.

Expenses and Variety of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

  • Whitening your teeth professionally is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of your smile. Teeth whitening can cost anywhere from $600 for in-office bleaching to $1,000 for laser therapy.
  • Dental bonding is applying a pigmented composite resin to match the patient’s teeth. The flaws in appearance, such as cracks or discoloration, are hidden or disguised by this substance. Costs vary widely from $100 to $400 per tooth.
  • Veneers made of porcelain are thin, durable shells that stick to the front surfaces of your teeth and completely alter their form, length, and appearance. Veneers are made of medical-grade ceramic or composite porcelain. Composite fillings start at $250, and full porcelain crowns start at $900. (per tooth).
  • If you want to alter the appearance of your teeth, you can pay anywhere from $50 to $300 per tooth to have them contoured.
  • With gum contouring, your dentist can restructure your gum line and remove excess gum tissue to make your smile look healthier and more attractive. The price per tooth might be anywhere from $50 to $350.

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Cost More Than It Doesn’t Cost?

Cosmetic dental operations that are not medically necessary are typically not covered by dental insurance.

As long as they have a proven medical benefit, however, insurance will cover a wide range of treatments that improve the appearance of your smile.

If the following criteria are met, the surgery is deemed cosmetic or elective:

  • A more aesthetically pleasing smile is the primary goal of this treatment.
  • No damage, impairment, or degradation in the region will be treated.
  • The procedure is unnecessary from a healthcare perspective.
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