
What Is Pneumococcal Vaccination Given For?

From birth, babies need to be given different types of vaccines. These protect them from several diseases, from tuberculosis to influenza. Babies do not have a strong immune system to protect them from these infections. This is why one needs to ensure they get vaccinated on time.

Pneumonia is one of the deadly diseases of the lungs that can prove fatal if not treated on time. In this condition, mucus buildup happens in the alveoli sac or the respiratory tract due to viral infections. Over time, the mucus thickens and solidifies, preventing air passage or exchange. This results in the death of the concerned person in no time.

Although the pneumococcal vaccination is mainly given to babies, even adults and senior people can get the immunization. If you are not aware of the importance of this vaccine or its functioning, the following article will give you everything you need to know about pneumonia and the concerned vaccine.

Types of pneumococcal vaccinations

Two pneumococcal vaccine types are administered based on the patient’s condition, age, and other required factors. In the section below, we have illustrated these types for your better clarification.

  1. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine: This vaccine is given to newborns and children up to two years of age. The administration time and dosage vary from one brand to another due to changes in efficacy.
  2. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine is given to older people 65 years or older. These people are at higher risks of getting infected due to long-term health conditions like lung problems, poor immunity, etc.

Functioning of the pneumococcal vaccination

The pneumococcal vaccine consists of weakened or dead germs. When they are injected into your bloodstream, they are known as antigens since they are foreign, unwanted bodies. In response to the antigens, a person’s immune system produces proteins in the form of antibodies.

These antibodies are known to be our fighter cells. They soon reach the site of infection and digest the antigens completely. They remain in the blood even when all weakened germs are killed. If the person again gets infected with the pneumonia virus, their body will generate the same antibodies.

This way, the body won’t take too much time learning the behaviour of antigens, the infection site and spread, and so on. The concerned person won’t suffer from fatality as the infectious germs won’t be present in the body.

When not to have the pneumococcal vaccine?

There are certain conditions when you should refrain from vaccinating with the pneumococcal vaccine. These are:

  1. If you have any vaccine allergy, you must avoid it at any cost. Failure to do so may result in adverse circumstances as you will suffer from allergies unexpectedly.
  2. Also, do not get the vaccination if you already have a fever. It is not recommended to get the vaccine when you have an elevated temperature.


With the vaccination for pneumococcal, you can easily stay safe from pneumonia, also termed one of the deadliest diseases. Just ensure to get the shot on time without any miss. Also, visit a trusted doctor to get the vaccine administered.

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