
Top 7 gynecological conditions

Gynecological conditions refer to disorders of the female reproductive tract. Endocrine problems, benign and malignant tumors, infections, and lifestyle changes cause these conditions. Without treatment, some of them caused by malignant tumors cause death. Get back your reproductive health by contacting  Dr. Ulas Bozdogan MD, which uses state-of-the-art methods to diagnose and treat gynecological diseases.

Outlined below are the common gynecological conditions that tend to cause nightmares in women.

  • Endometriosis

It occurs when endometrial cells in the uterine seep into the fallopian tube and implant on the structures of the pelvic area. It causes one to experience abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility, pelvic and low back pain during periods, fatigue, painful intercourse, and gastrointestinal upset.

Diagnosis by laparoscopy allows your physician to determine endometrial implantations.

It is treated with hormonal and anti-inflammatory medication to alleviate pain.

Surgery to help remove severe endometriosis implants.

  • Uterine fibroids

They are the most benign, non-cancerous growth found inside or outside a woman’s uterus. They cause significant pain, painful intercourse, infertility, and irregular bleeding. Female hormones cause fibroids and therefore tend to shrink during menopause as the hormones decline.

The pelvic exam and pelvic ultrasound evaluate fibroids’ symptoms, size, number, and location during diagnosis.

Medical therapy, therefore, helps to reduce symptoms and shrink the size of the fibroids.

Endometrial ablation, myomectomy, and hysterectomy help to remove fibroids surgically.

  • Ovarian cyst

Ovarian masses are primarily benign, and the most common is a functional ovarian cyst. It occurs when the follicle within the ovary fails to release the egg, and fluid creates a cyst. The symptoms include abdominal pain, pain during intercourse, and pelvic pressure.

 Blood tests and pelvic ultrasounds help diagnose, and surgeries help remove the cyst if they do not dissolve and result in ovarian cancer.

  • Abnormal bleeding

Refer to periods that occur on an irregular basis, last longer, and are heavier than usual. Hormone imbalance and anatomic abnormalities cause abnormalities in bleeding. Evaluation by a blood test, pelvic ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy help in diagnosis. Treatment with hormonal medication, IUD insertion, endometrial ablation, dilation, and curettage help alleviate pain, depending on the cause.

  • Urinary incontinence

There are three types of urinary incontinence, they include:

  • Stress incontinence: Occurs when urine leaks during coughing, sneezing, jumping, laughing, and lifting.
  • Urge incontinence: Urine leakage is associated with a strong urge to urinate.
  • Mixed incontinence: Urine leakage is associated with both stress and urge.

 Medical management, behavioral modification, surgical interventions, and pelvic floor physical therapy help to relieve urge pain.

  • Pelvic organ prolapses

Occurs due to weakening pelvic floor muscle due to childbirth, pregnancy, menopause, chronic constipation, coughing, and obesity.

The prolapses include vaginal, rectal, uterine, intestinal, and bladder prolapse, which causes signs such as bloating, sexual pain, pelvic pressure, and low back pain.

They are treated by pelvic muscle exercise, pelvic floor therapy, pessary, and surgical repair, depending on the severity of the disease.

  • Infertility

It is the inability to conceive. Lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery help to increase the chances of fertility.

Talk to your gynecological specialist today

Gynecological conditions can cause devastating effects on your lifestyle, work, and family. Dr. Ulas of Advanced Endometriosis Center offers early comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for these conditions to enable you to party, exercise, and enjoy valuable time with friends and family without fear of being embarrassed.

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