
Things you need to know before getting RF Microneedling in Singapore

Having great skin is hard work. If you have been eating healthy food, doing regular exercise, and religiously drinking 8 glasses of water each day, then your skin is definitely reaping the benefits these habits bring. While you are already on the right track of taking good care of the largest organ in the body, it does not stop there. Examine your skin meticulously and you may see flaws up close. You are not as flawless as you think you are. Not to worry, Ozhean Zoey Korean Aesthetic Clinic is here to guide you in your skincare journey!


Addressing common skin problems

Our skin exhibits a variety of skin problems as we age. These skin flaws do not only show on our face, but at the other parts of the body as well. Wherever the problem may be, these imperfections can surely bring our confidence down a notch. Here is a list if some of the most common skin problems associated with ageing:

  • Acne scars
  • Cellulite
  • Fine lines
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Large facial pores
  • Loose skin
  • Sagging skin
  • Scars from injuries
  • Scars from surgical operations
  • Stretch marks

These skin impurities are not the type that disappears over time. They can only be banished permanently through the intervention of aesthetic procedures. 

But there are numerous aesthetic treatments available in the market—which one is good to address these?

We get that you may be overwhelmed with the options that are present, so if you will allow us to recommend one procedure that your skin will greatly benefit from, that would be RF Microneedling.


RF Microneedling: What is it?

Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure that makes use of a powerful machine. The RF machine has a handheld device that is equipped with microneedles. Through these microneedles, waves of radiofrequency are generated to treat the skin.

Generally speaking, the treatment actually causes skin injury. However, this kind of skin injury is controlled. The damage caused in the skin is the start of its repair. Once the microneedles and radiofrequency waves penetrate the skin at a certain depth, the skin responds by stimulating the production of fresh collagen and elastin, which regenerates new skin as a result.


Who are the best candidates for RF microneedling?

If you are suffering from any of the skin conditions mentioned above, then you are a qualified candidate for RF microneedling. In some cases, an individual may not be a suitable candidate for this procedure. This is due to any of the following circumstances:

  • You currently have a cold sore breakout
  • You are suffering from a skin infection
  • You are pregnant
  • You are taking medications, specifically Accutane, hormone replacement therapy, tetracycline
  • You are using Retin-A
  • You have moderate to severe loose or sagging skin
  • You have a chronic moderate or severe skin disease
  • You have poor wound healing that can lead to hypertrophic scarring
  • You use electronic implant (e.g. insulin pump, pacemaker, etc.)

Your aesthetic doctor has the final say if RF microneedling is indeed the right treatment to deal with your skin’s needs.


How does one prepare for an RF microneedling treatment?

Preparing for your RF microneedling treatment is very important to ensure patient safety and achieve optimum results. Here are some tips to follow on how to prepare for your RF microneedling treatment:

  • Avoid using tanning booths or self-tanning lotions at least 2 weeks before your treatment.
  • Avoid sunbathing at least two weeks before your treatment.
  • Skip medications such as aspirin, Advil, Aleve, or Motrin at least 1 week before your treatment.
  • Stop using skincare products like Retin-A at least 1 week before your treatment.
  • Stop using Accutane 6 months before your treatment.


What happens during a radiofrequency microneedling procedure?

Prior to any procedure, it is important that you have undergone a thorough consultation with a credible medical provider like Ozhean Zoey Medical and Aesthetic Clinic. During your consultation, you will be asked about your medical history and aesthetic goals. Your doctor should also educate you on how to prepare for the RF microneedling session, as well as what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

On the day of your procedure, be sure to arrive at the clinic at least 30 minutes ahead of your schedule. This will give you enough time to ask questions last minute or gather and calm yourself, especially if you are feeling nervous. The clinic may also ask you to comply with some paper works and take pictures of your face before the procedure starts. 

To start your procedure, your doctor will do a thorough cleanse of your skin. Cleansing the skin will prevent any irritation or infection that may be caused by bacteria. Next, a topical anaesthetic will be applied to the treatment area to lessen discomfort during the procedure. It may take anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour for your skin to feel numb. As soon as all sensation in the treatment area is gone, your doctor will begin to probe the microneedling device on your skin. The microneedles will penetrate into the skin and release the radiofrequency waves to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Depending on the size and location of the area being treated, the procedure can last between 10 to 30 minutes. You can return to your usual routine once the procedure is complete.


How does one care for the skin following a session of RF microneedling?

Your doctor should give you advice on how to take care of your skin following the procedure. Here are some tips that you can do:

  • Apply antibiotic creams prescribed by your doctor.
  • Gently place an ice pack on the treatment area to ease inflammation and signs of discomfort.
  • Skip wearing makeup or applying skincare products within 24 hours following your treatment.
  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.
  • Use sunscreen to protect your skin as it will be extra sensitive to the sun after treatment.

If you are interested to know more about the benefits of RF microneedling, you may contact Ozhean Zoey Medical and Aesthetic Clinic.


Ozhean Zoey Medical & Aesthetic Clinic

#04-10 Triple One Somerset

111 Somerset Road

Singapore 238164


+65 6235 4534


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