
The danger of having periodontal disease

Have you ever failed to sleep because of persistent toothache or gum disease? There’s nothing as disturbing as turning and tossing on your bed all night, and the pain isn’t going away. The good news is that periodontics in Midtown West Manhattan provide you with the best patient care once you book an appointment with them. Most people prefer to postpone visiting the dentist, hoping that the pain will disappear. However, if you’re planning to ignore having your gums checked, check out the danger you’re exposing yourself to.

Discomfort and infection

Infected gums can be a good breeding ground for bacteria, and you can experience pain when you take hot or cold food and beverages. When that part is infected, you’ll experience debilitating pain in your jaw, neck, and head.

Visit a dentist to treat the disease before the situation worsens. Unattended gum disease can even cause severe conditions such as septicemia. Septicemia is a condition that occurs when the gum infection spreads to the rest of the body.

You can lose your teeth

Not treating the gum in time can make you lose your teeth. People who wait for too long before they visit their dentist end up losing their teeth because the infection spreads faster. By treating the affected gum, you will save healthy gum and teeth.

Losing your teeth can lower your self-esteem, especially losing the canine or incisors. The best option is to maintain your existing teeth and gum by managing the periodontal disease early.

You risk your oral health

You endanger the surrounding teeth and gum when you fail to care for damaged gum. This is because the bacteria from the infected area move to the healthy gum and teeth, and they might start aching.

Booking an appointment with your dentist will improve your general oral health. A dentist will explain what the procedure entails and expected during and after treating periodontal diseases.

The pain becomes unbearable

At first, you experience discomfort and sensitivity when you take hot or cold food. If the problem is left unattended, you might start experiencing severe pain that won’t go away. The surrounding gum becomes swollen, and you will have to depend on painkillers.

Instead of waiting for such pain, visit your dentist as early as you start experiencing the discomfort. A dentist will remove the infected debris, and the pain will immediately subside.

No self-healing

Unlike a sprain that will heal itself over time, an unhealthy gum doesn’t heal. Instead, the problem worsens if not mitigated properly. Some people take painkillers when the pain is intense and assume the situation when the pain goes away. Abusing painkillers can have long-term effects, including drug-resistant. Save yourself from the pain by visiting a dentist for early diagnostics and treatment.

It’s essential to visit a dentist when you start experiencing discomfort in your gums or teeth. You can schedule an appointment at Carnegie Dental Wellness Center, and Dr. Bacopoulou will examine and offer the right treatment for your gum disease.

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