
Pros and Cons Of Dental Restoration

If you are considering dental restoration, it is essential to be aware of all the pros and cons associated with the procedure. dental restorations in Littleton, CO, help provide patients with the desired results and tooth modifications.

Let us go through the pros and cons to understand the procedure better. 


  • Improves appearance

It can improve the aesthetics of your teeth if you have lost them due to decay and cavities.

  • Improves functionality.

It helps in the improvement of dental functionality and also facilitates chewing. Dental restoration is known to reduce speech problems as well.

  • Restoring damaged teeth

If your tooth is chipped, cracked, or crooked by previous trauma, you can get it fixed through dental restoration.

  • Discoloration and alignment correction

Teeth whitening can improve the discoloration caused by stains from food items. It also helps to correct misalignment in teeth.

  • Reshape your teeth.

Restorative procedures can give your damaged teeth a new shape. It also helps in stopping the cracked teeth from getting worse.

  • Durability

Dental restoration involves procedures that are highly durable and last for decades. The material used in their creation maintains the longevity and shape of teeth.

  • Preserve the structure of your teeth.

Dentists preserve the tooth’s structure as much as possible when creating and placing onlays. Usually, the damaged portion of your teeth is removed and reshaped. Moreover, it complements the bite while providing support and is attached to your tooth. 

  •  Tight and comfortable fit

Onlays and dental crowns provide security to the teeth with a comfortable fit. The dentists take an impression of your teeth to create molds similar to your original teeth. They are made with accuracy so that people can eat and talk without difficulties.

  • Gives a natural look

Concerns about the appearance of your restored teeth are common. Everyone wants to look as natural as possible after dental restoration. Various options look like natural teeth and are not superficial in any way. 


  • Expensive

Getting your teeth restored can be a costly process. The price is expected to be between a few thousand and several thousand dollars. Therefore, consider all your options and seek an affordable dental service provider.

  • Time taking

Dental restoration consumes the patient’s time and energy. Some procedures are completed within a single visit, while others may take more than one.

  • Irreversible changes in tooth shape

Many procedures require shaving of the teeth to maintain a better fit. This cannot be reversed and depends on the kind of tooth wear needed for your case.

  • Infection possibilities

There is a significant risk of bacterial infection in the teeth if cleanliness is not maintained during the process. Dentists are required to be careful and vigilant during the process. 

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