
Preserve Your Lovely Smile With Periodontal Treatments

Gum disease and other dental issues can be irritating and can make your days miserable. If gum disease is detected early, you can save your tooth and prevent the spread of inflammation to the other teeth. The Woodlands periodontist at Scott Young, DDS, offers excellent treatments for gum disease and other dental problems.

What is the work of a periodontist?

A periodontist is a specialist with experience in preventing, diagnosing, and managing advanced gum disease. Gum disease occurs due to gum infection resulting in inflammation. This specialist performs regular dental exams and recommends the right dental products to use to prevent you from developing gum disease. A periodontist undergoes vigorous training on the cutting-edge techniques used to diagnose and manage gum disease. Periodontists also specialize in the attachment of dental implants for dentures or crowns and detecting the underlying cause of gum inflammation. Scott Young, Purveyor of Fine Dentistry specialists, offers solutions for severe gum disease and dental issues resulting from your medical history.

When should you seek a periodontist?

Suppose you observe good oral hygiene and visit the dentist for regular oral exams and dental cleanings; you may never see a periodontist. But if you have gum infection or advanced gum disease, Dr. Young can schedule an appointment for accurate diagnosis and treatment. If you also have a missing or damaged tooth, he can schedule an appointment to place dental implants. The dentistry professionals can help you schedule an appointment with Dr. Akers, an experienced periodontist.

What treatments does a periodontist have?

Dr. Akers is a board-certified periodontist who offers non invasive and minimally invasive treatments for severe gum disease and other dental issues. Some of the treatment options he provides include:

  • Dental implants
  • Regenerative procedures
  • Reduction of pockets in your gums
  • Lengthening of your dental crown
  • Gum graft surgery
  • Laser treatments for removing tartar below your gum line

During your appointment, Dr. Akers will conduct a detailed examination to get to the root cause of your gum inflammation. He may also review your medical history and ask about your symptoms before recommending the appropriate treatment. On your first visit, he may give you instructions on how to prepare for your treatment. The skilled team at Scott Young Purveyor of Fine Dentistry uses state-of-art technology to ensure you’re comfortable during your treatment.

How can you treat gum disease?

Routine dental check-ups can help your doctor detect gingivitis or gum inflammation early and treat it with a dental cleaning. Sometimes Dr. Akers may prescribe antibiotics to eradicate infection. However, if gingivitis is left untreated, it can deteriorate and become periodontitis. Periodontitis causes inflammation to worsen and allows toxins and bacteria to attack your bone. In such a case, the team may recommend root planing and scaling to remove tartar and plaque below your gum line. If you have advanced periodontitis, they may recommend periodontal surgery to save your tooth and prevent further damage. If your gum problems are recurrent, inform your provider for advanced treatment.

For more information about periodontal treatments, call Dr. Akers or schedule an appointment online today.

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