
Parkland Dental Implants: What Benefits Can They Give You?

Dental care is important to keeping healthy teeth. However, you can still lose a tooth due to some reasons, such as gum disease, mouth injury, and poor oral hygiene. For a lot of years, people could choose between dental bridges and dentures to replace their missing or damaged teeth. Thankfully, Parkland dental implants are now available, offering patients a long-lasting solution to their dental issues. 

Dental implants are long-term teeth replacement options meant to offer your missing teeth a strong foundation. But you must meet some conditions before you can get this treatment. You must have enough bone mass density in the jaw to have an implant. Your dentist can help determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. Also, they can walk you through the benefits of this treatment, including the following:

Natural Function

A dental implant procedure is completed when a prosthetic tooth is fitted to the implant. The implant serves as your tooth’s root, offering stimulation to the jawbone to ensure proper function and growth. Also, the prosthetic tooth is made to mimic the size and shape of your natural teeth, so nobody can notice you have a fake tooth. A dental implant can restore a missing tooth’s vital functions, like chewing and biting down on foods, as well as making you speak clearly. Also, it prevents the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth from shifting toward the gap. 

Bone Loss Prevention

When you lose a tooth, the jawbone in the empty site starts to deteriorate as your body reabsorbs it, resulting in jawbone loss. Bone loss happens due to the absence of a root to improve the bone’s strength. The jawbone must be stimulated to keep its mass. Jawbone deterioration can result in premature aging. By fixing an implant in the jawbone, the stimulation continues, preventing subsequent bone loss. 

Facial Structure Support

The teeth in your mouth support the structure of your face. When you lose a tooth, you also lose support. Eventually, this provides you with a sunken face, which makes you older than your age. A dental implant helps keep the jawbone strong and offers support to your face. Thus, you can maintain your facial structure and avoid a change in its shape. 

Durability and Stability

Your dentist will anchor an implant into your jaw using a titanium post as a replacement for the root of the missing tooth. This makes the implant more stable and lets you chew on food comfortably. With proper care, you can expect your implant to last for several decades. 

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