
No Quality Life Without Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is required for your body to run smoothly and for you to execute your normal activities with precision and soberness. However, when you cannot sleep because of certain health conditions, your level of satisfaction in life and ability to manage your daily demands is affected. Houston Sinus Surgery is a leading medical facility that deals with all issues that affect your sleep quality. They diagnose and treat breathing problems, sleep apnea, deviated septum, nasal congestion, sinusitis, and snoring in Houston and surrounding areas using advanced medical procedures. Let’s take a closer look at what some of these problems entail.

  • Snoring

Often we find it humorous when someone snores whenever they sleep. However, when that person happens to be your life-long partner, the situation is never the same. Constant snoring can cause a lack of sleep, disrupt sleep, and potentially make you hate your partner. Many health issues potentially lead to snoring. These include chronic congestion, structural abnormalities, narrow airway, obesity, and having large tonsils or other oral tissue. Specialists at the health institution understand the challenge and begin with a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the root cause. The treatment procedures followed are personalized depending on the finding from the diagnosis. You do not have to hate your partner or live in frustration because the condition is involuntary. The best option is to visit Houston Sinus Surgery and have the highly skilled specialist at the institution alleviate the problem for you.

  • Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea defines the disorder which causes you to stop breathing for some time as you sleep. You may stop breathing for a couple of seconds, or the condition may cause the apneas to last minutes. When you have long apneas or experience apneas within very short intervals, your oxygen levels in the body drop. Hence, your sleep does not end up relaxing your body at the end of the night. Sleep apnea could result from a lack of your brain cells to send signals to the muscles responsible for respiration, having large tonsil or oral muscle, or a collapse of your airway. After diagnosing the cause of your apnea, your Houston Sinus Surgery specialist customizes a treatment plan depending on the diagnosis results. Treatments may include tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, or oral appliance therapy.

  • Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a serious condition where your sinus gets infected by microorganisms and allergens like bacteria. Sinuses host the tissue responsible for mucus production and are also responsible for draining mucus. Mucus is responsible for protecting your nose from these harmful agents. Infected sinuses get inflamed and, in turn, obstruct mucus draining, causing impaired breathing and pain. Some of the symptoms of sinusitis include snoring, fever, post-nasal drip, disturbed sleep, and a reduced sense of smell. Treatment plans for the condition may include antibiotics, functional endoscopic sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty, saline drops, and decongestant sprays.

If you have sleeping problems, you may fail to enjoy the little things in life. However, your sleeping problem could be eliminated by visiting a trained and experienced specialist. If you are experiencing such challenges, visit or contact Houston Sinus Surgery and claim back your quality sleep.

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