
Major Treatments for the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

The Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or CRPS, leads to chronic pain and numbness. There are currently no cures for the disease, but many treatments are available in Eugene, Oregon. Some of these include injections and physical therapy. Suppose you feel like you’re struggling with this debilitating condition; visit a center for complex regional pain syndrome in Eugene. Here are three primary treatments to expect:


Nerve block injections are one of the most common treatments for CRPS. The injections are used to block the pain signals sent to the brain. The injections are typically given to the affected area, and they can be either temporary or permanent.

These injections can be beneficial because they can relieve the pain and itching often associated with CRPS. It’s also a short and easy treatment method for this condition, and many people see results quickly.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy, or PT, is a type of treatment that can be used to help people with a variety of conditions. It makes it possible to regain strength, movement, and function. It can also help to relieve pain.

There are many different types of physical therapy, and the type that is best for you will depend on your condition. Some common types of PT include:

  • Rehabilitation: This type of PT helps people who have been injured or are recovering from surgery.
  • Aquatic Therapy: This type of PT uses water as a medium to help with movement and function.
  • Massage Therapy: This type of PT uses massage techniques to help relieve pain and tension.

If you struggle with chronic pain or numbness, you may benefit from physical therapy. Be sure to talk to your doctor about what types of PT may be best for you, given your symptoms.

Implantable Devices

Implantable devices are another treatment option for CRPS. This type of device is implanted under the skin, and it can send signals to help block pain stimuli.

This type of device may be beneficial because it reduces the pain level that someone experiences, but it’s also a relatively invasive procedure that requires surgery. Good examples are:

  • Spinal Cord Stimulation: This implantable device stimulates the area around the spinal cord to reduce pain signals.
  • Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation: This implantable device stimulates a nerve field to reduce pain signals.
  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation: This implantable device stimulates the vagus nerve to reduce pain signals.

Significance of Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are also an essential part of treating CRPS. Since there is no cure for this condition, it’s vital to use every available treatment method to get the best possible results.

Some simple lifestyle changes that can have a significant impact on your symptoms include:

  • Changing Your Diet: Eating healthy foods and decreasing sugar consumption can significantly impact your body’s feelings.
  • Quitting Smoking-smoking can lead to constriction of blood vessels, which you want to avoid when it comes to CRPS.

Exercising Regularly

Chronic pain and numbness can make everyday activities very difficult. If you’re struggling with this condition, we encourage you to speak with your doctor about the different treatment options that may be available to you. Injections, physical therapy, and implantable devices are just a few of the many treatments that may help improve your symptoms. Additionally, making simple lifestyle changes can significantly impact how you feel.

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