
Infusion therapy in New York City: Things worth knowing

For the uninitiated, infusion therapy refers to comprehensive care for numerous health conditions where medication and fluids are administered through a catheter or needle. Infusion therapy has numerous benefits and is a great way of delivering medications in a controlled manner intravenously (IV). Other methods of infusion therapy include epidural, intramuscular, and subcutaneous. If you are visiting an infusion center in Midtown, New York City, and are wondering what to expect, here is an overview.

The need for infusion therapy

Some patients cannot take drugs orally, while in other cases, medications lose their effectiveness when exposed to the digestive tract. Infusion therapy is a great alternative for such cases. An excellent example of such a treatment would be the insulin pump that delivers the hormone under the skin in a particular way. This approach is used to deliver different types of medications, including antivirals, antibiotics, antifungals, corticosteroids, growth hormones, and immunotherapy.

Who can benefit from infusion therapy?

Today, infusion therapy is used for a wide range of conditions, including autoimmune disorders. You may visit an infusion center for conditions like immune deficiencies, cancer, asthma, congestive heart failure, Crohn’s Disease, and Osteoporosis. It is often a choice for treatment for other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and lupus. At times, a patient may need a customized cocktail of medications, which can be delivered through IV.

What to expect?

You need to visit an infusion center or clinic for IV infusion therapy. If your condition requires you to go for multiple sessions, you may have to get a central line, which can be inserted into the arm, neck, chest, or groin. IV therapy is only administered by trained nurses and medical experts, and because the process can take time, continuous monitoring is involved. During the therapy session, a needle will be inserted in the chosen vein, which is connected to an IV bag that contains the medication. One session can take many hours or minutes, depending on the number of IV bags required for effective treatment. Your doctor will discuss the possible risks of infusion therapy in advance and check your detailed health history to determine whether you may benefit from the treatment.

Final word

Infusion therapy has several benefits, particularly for patients who may not get the same outcome from the standard line of treatment. Talk to your physician if you have concerns. Most infusion centers accept insurance in in New York City. 

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