
How To Take Care Of Your Dental Implants?

How To Take Care Of Your Dental Implants


Dental implants have transformed the lives of millions of people by providing a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. Implants offer a secure foundation for crowns, bridges, and dentures, improving function, speech, and appearance. However, implants require specialized care in order to ensure that they remain stable and healthy for many years to come. Following these dental implant care tips will help keep your implants functioning like new and avoid potential issues down the road.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Meticulous oral hygiene is crucial for the health and longevity of your implants. Brush twice and floss once daily to remove plaque and food debris, which can lead to infection and inflammation if allowed to accumulate around implants and abutments. Use a soft-bristled or electric toothbrush and gently brush the implant surfaces, nearby teeth, and gums. Floss carefully between implant crowns just like natural teeth. See your dentist to professionally upkeep your dental implants in Cleveland, OH regularly. With consistent hygiene, your implants can stay clean and infection-free.

Avoid Hard, Sticky Foods

The materials used in dental implant construction are very strong but still vulnerable to cracking or chipping from excessive biting forces. Avoid very hard, crunchy, or chewy foods that could damage your implant crowns or abutments. Foods like ice, hard nuts, popcorn kernels, jawbreakers, ribs, bones, and raw vegetables can overload the implants. If you love these foods, cut them into small pieces before chewing to reduce bite forces. Also, take care when biting into apple slices or corn on the cob. Protect your implant investment by moderating your diet.

Adapt Your Oral Habits

Oral habits like biting fingernails, and pens, or opening packages with your teeth can also damage dental implants over time. Implants don’t have the periodontal ligament layer that allows natural teeth some cushioning from impact. Avoid using your implants for anything other than chewing food. Break any habits that could place excessive strain on the implants or abutments. Your restorations will last much longer without misuse.

Wear A Night Guard If Needed

Patients who grind or clench their teeth at night should consider a custom night guard to protect their implants. The grinding forces can fracture implant components or lead to cracks in the overlying crowns. Have your dentist take impressions to make a precise night guard that shields your implants and distributes bite forces evenly across your mouth. Wear it when sleeping or during periods of stress when clenching is more likely. The device can prevent costly damage.

Get Regular Dental Checkups

See your dentist for exams and professional cleanings around the implants every 6 months. Your dentist will check for proper healing, function, and integration of the implants. They can spot potential issues like mucositis or peri-implantitis early and recommend treatment. Monitoring at home, report any swelling, bleeding, soreness, or changes you notice around implants so they can be addressed promptly. With regular dental visits, your implants can be maintained for optimal health and longevity.

Avoid Tobacco Use

Smoking and other tobacco use are strongly associated with dental implant failure. The chemicals in tobacco can restrict blood flow, retard healing, and increase infection risk. Tobacco use is linked to accelerated bone loss around implant sites. For the best prognosis, avoid smoking and tobacco entirely after getting implants. If needed, enroll in a smoking cessation program. Quitting tobacco helps ensure your implants integrate properly and lowers your risk of developing complications.

Protect Your Implants From Trauma

While dental implants are bonded into the jawbone, the crowns and abutments are vulnerable to fracture or chipping if subjected to heavy blows or trauma, especially during the initial healing process. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports to shield your implants from direct hits. Take care when eating hard foods not to bite into them forcefully with your implant teeth. Avoid any habits like using your teeth as tools that could cause trauma. Use common sense to prevent damage to your implant investment.

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