
Hormones First! How to Maintain a Good Endocrine System

There are about 157 million Americans who are diagnosed with a chronic illness, with 81 million having more than just one condition. The most common illnesses happen in the endocrine system, one of the body’s essential systems. If your family has a history of endocrine disorders, then you’re likely to have them as well. Thankfully, there are ways you can prevent them from happening. But first, you must know what the endocrine system is responsible for in the body.

The Endocrine System

The endocrine system contains various glands in different parts of our body. It produces the necessary hormones for various organs to function optimally. Some of the parts of the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid. The hormones produced in these organs are responsible for our mood, growth, digestion, and reproduction. Moreover, they are related to other medical conditions as well. An illness in these parts of the body is considered an endocrine disorder, and these disorders are hereditary. If you’re an individual who has this in your family, there is a huge chance that you will develop it, too. However, you can prevent these illnesses by taking extra precautions. Here are some ways to keep your endocrine system clean and healthy.

Regular Checkups and Professional Help

The best way to prevent endocrine disorders from happening is by getting regular checkups every three or so months. These checkups can help determine whether if there is a chance for you to develop these disorders through your current lifestyle.

Remember that some of the most common illnesses of the endocrine system can be hard to treat and prevented, like those from the thyroid gland. This gland is one of the essential parts of the body because it produces hormones responsible for breathing, muscle regulation, and heart rate. If you’re experiencing symptoms of pain in your thyroid gland, you should consider seeking medical attention. Compared with the other parts of the endocrine system, this particular gland is sensitive, and any pain that comes from it is usually severe. Another part that you should be particularly cautious of is the hypothalamus. This part of the brain is susceptible because of the current lifestyle of the younger generation (e.g., often sleeping late). This part of the endocrine system is particularly abused.

A regular checkup can mean proactive prevention on your part. Once your medical professional finds a possibility for you to develop an endocrine disorder, they will give you professional advice on how to avoid it.

Avoid Being Overweight or Obese

Obesity and being overweight are the two main reasons why people develop endocrine disorders. The most common endocrine disorders related to obesity are hypothyroidism and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). These disorders create a hormonal imbalance in the body. For instance, PCOS can create insulin resistance among women who have it, increasing the production of hormones in the pancreas. This can lead to diabetes, which is very common in people who have obesity. All of these issues are connected within a string of complicated medical conditions.

Sometimes, obesity is in your genetics, and it can be hard to avoid it. But by doing proper exercise and diet and always keeping watch of your weight (e.g., self-awareness), you can certainly prevent obesity from developing.

Avoid Salty Food

The increase of iodine in the body can lead to many complications, especially for those with a history of endocrine disorders. Some parts of the endocrine system are in charge of controlling salt consumption in the body. Sometimes, those with endocrine disorders can have a problem consuming salty food because of the high or low salt retention in the body. This can lead to other chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, further complicating other existing medical conditions. Avoiding salty food is one way of preventing this from happening.


Exercise produces many hormones that can help the body relax. Some of these hormones decrease the increase of stress hormones and stimulate a healthy chemical known as endorphins, which are essential for relaxation. The release of hormones benefits various parts of the body, including the endocrine system. Additionally, exercise can help you reduce the chances of becoming overweight and obese. It can also help you digest iodine faster and more efficiently. There are many advantages to exercise that can help prevent endocrine disorders, so exercise regularly.

Here are a few simple ways you can prevent endocrine disorders from happening inside your body. Doing these things regularly is essential if you want to keep your endocrine system healthy and free from diseases.

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