
Get Rid of Skin Blemishes with Photofacial

Everyone desires perfect skin, and most of the time, professional help is what you need to attain that. Over time, your skin may develop age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles as you grow older. The adverse effects from the sun, such as sunspots, can alter your facial appearance. Other times, facial hair bothers you and keeps growing, despite using hair removal methods such as shaving. If these are some of the problems you have, you will be glad to know that photofacial in Brighton can help reduce the appearance of blemishes, aging signs, and remove unwanted hairs. The following information gives you a better understanding of photofacial:

What is photofacial?

It is a cosmetic treatment that uses advanced technology to reduce signs of aging, alleviate dermatologic conditions such as acne, and remove unwanted hair. The treatment is similar to laser in that they both use light. However, the light is scattered in intense pulsed lighting and not concentrated in a specific area like laser treatment. Specialists use this treatment approach to address a range of skin problems, including:



Acne scars

Wrinkles and fine lines

 Stretch marks

 Sun-damaged skin

How does photofacial differ from laser treatment?

While both intense pulsed light and laser treatment involve light, the difference boils down to the wavelengths. Laser treatment involves using one light beam while intense pulsed lighting emits a spectrum of colors. Unlike the concentrated beam in laser, IPL transmits the light in pulses or flashes. Laser treatment can cause injuries to the skin’s outer layer (epidermis) depending on the device used. However, intense pulsed light penetrates the skin’s dermis while causing no abrasion to the skin.

The chromatophore, or pigment cells, absorb the light, which is converted into a different form of energy – heat. The heat breaks down, or destroys, the unwanted color to eliminate blemishes such as dark spots, freckles, rosacea, birthmarks, and acne scars. If the heat penetrates the hair follicle, it destroys it, preventing growth or hair.

How to prepare for treatment

Consult with your specialist at least two weeks before scheduling treatment to ensure you are a good candidate for treatment. While the process is relatively safe, people with skin conditions such as eczema and inflammatory acne may not be good candidates for IPL. This is because such problems can interfere with healing after treatment. Your doctor will advise you depending on the concern that you need to address. For example, if you need IPL for hair removal purposes, you should know it works better on dark hair than colored hair. Once the doctor approves you to proceed with treatment, you need to:

  • Avoid hair removal methods like waxing.
  • Not exfoliate your skin or use chemical peels.
  • Avoid exposing your skin, especially the one treated to direct sunlight.
  • Discontinue the use of drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, and dietary supplements as they increase your risk of bleeding.

If you are looking for a gentle way to get rid of your blemishes, book a session with your specialist at Gago Wellness for treatment to improve your appearance. 

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