

Malocclusion, crooked, rotated, gapped, and crowded teeth become a source of pain and embarrassment for many teenagers and adults. Braces can correct such dental issues and help improve your overall oral health and smile. Meanwhile, most people believe that they look childish with braces on. Nevertheless, four million Americans wear braces, among which 80% are teenagers. It is interesting to note that one-third of the global population has worn braces. 

To get desired results from braces, you must put extra effort and devote considerable time to take care of your teeth. The perks of getting braces outweigh the care and effort needed to keep them in excellent shape. People who have had braces before can confirm that the most beautiful days of their life began after removing them, revealing a fresh, beautiful, and confident smile. Continue reading to learn the most effective tips to ensure a successful braces journey.

Taking Care of Your Teeth

When you wear wires and brackets for the first time, you will experience tooth sensitivity for at least the first week. The soreness and sensitivity eventually go away on their own. In the beginning, braces feel bulky in your mouth, but it gets normal with time. For many people, getting braces is initially an uncomfortable experience. However, the results after their removal make the whole process feel worthwhile. 

Remember, the success of your orthodontic treatment greatly depends on where you are getting it from. For instance, you can trust Carmen Orthodontics to get your braces done with less hassle. On top of that, they use next-generation braces technology to align your smile up to 50% faster than traditional braces. 

In addition, your role in the success of your orthodontic treatment cannot be ignored. Being well-informed on minimizing the struggles of your braces journey can help you stay on track. Here are the most effective tips for braces success:

Keep Your Braces Clean

Proper oral hygiene is an essential step you cannot skip if you want your teeth to be in good shape when the braces come off. Keeping your braces clean is vital for desired results. Patients who skip brushing and flossing face tooth decay, tooth erosion, stains on teeth when the braces are removed, and other dental issues. Regularly cleaning your braces and teeth will prevent plaque build-up and enamel deterioration. 

Brushing with braces may seem difficult initially, but it is not an excuse to skip taking care of your braces. Brushing your teeth after every meal or snack is ideal for preventing food chunks from getting stuck in your brackets and teeth. And if that is not feasible for you, brushing your teeth at least twice daily is crucial. If the food chunks remain stuck in your teeth for a long time, they can break down on your teeth, leading to plaque build-up. It can further result in tooth stains and deterioration. 

Moreover, replacing a manual brush with an electric one is worthwhile. Electric toothbrushes are a quick and easy way to clean and keep your teeth and gums healthy. Regularly cleaning your braces and teeth can guarantee braces success. Moreover, flossing at least twice daily is also helpful for cleaning braces. It will help prevent cavities. 

Know What Foods to Avoid

Knowing which food you should eat and what to skip is as crucial as practicing good oral hygiene when you have braces. Eating foods that have a hard texture can cause pain and irritation. Chewing non-food items like nails and pencils is strictly not a good idea. Moreover, food items like hard and chewy candies, chips, chewing gums, hard pretzels, raw veggies, fruits (like carrots and apples), popcorn, nuts, and seeds should be avoided because they can break your brackets and hinder your braces success journey. 

Sodas and sugary treats should also be limited as they can damage your teeth and affect overall oral health. When sugar mixes with the saliva, it forms a sticky film called plaque that covers the teeth. Unless you remove the plaque by brushing, it can result in tooth deterioration. Also, drinking ice water is fine, but chewing ice can break your brackets. After getting braces treatment you can have soups, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, moist desserts, pasta, yogurt, soft fruits, and more. 

Be Careful With your Wires

You do not need to panic if you notice a loose wire or bracket jarring against your cheek. It is normal and indicates that the treatment is working just fine. Your teeth must be moving into new places, causing a loose wire or bracket. If something similar happens, you can move the frame back into its original place. However, schedule an appointment with your doctor if it gets painful.

In case of a broken bracket or wire, do not try to pull out the wire or bend it. It can make the situation get worse. Cover the sharp edges of brackets/wires with wax or a wet cotton swab, and immediately call your orthodontist for guidance. 

Ensure Regular Dental Visits

Do not forget about the regular dental visits after your braces treatment. Going for cleanings and checkups every three months is important to keep your mouth clean and gums healthy. Frequent sittings with your orthodontist will help track the progress of your braces. It will also help keep your teeth cavity-free as the orthodontist will constantly monitor your oral health and braces progress. Therefore, never miss a scheduled appointment with your orthodontist. It is an essential measure that aids in the success of your braces treatment.


Braces can help fix various dental problems and make you feel confident about your smile. However, proper oral care is necessary to get amazing and visible results. You cannot afford to be irresponsible toward your oral health. Make oral care a mandatory part of your daily routine. Brushing, flossing, careful eating, etc., are some of the measures you can take to ensure braces success.

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