
Effective Noninvasive Treatments for Fertility Restoration

Everyone yearns to be a parent at some point in their life, but infertility may make this dream almost impossible. Several medical conditions and lifestyle habits can prevent you from experiencing the joy of being a mother. Fortunately, your Laurel physician assistant at Capital Women’s Care offers effective treatments for restoring fertility.

What is infertility?

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive after trying for over a year or the failure to carry your pregnancy to term due to complications leading to miscarriages or stillbirths. Your chances of getting pregnant are slimmer if you are above 35 years. Infertility affects both men and women, and it occurs due to problems in their reproductive system. Infertility can occur due to several health conditions, and discovering the underlying cause can help restore your fertility.

What factors contribute to the occurrence of infertility?

In some cases, the factors causing infertility may be present at birth or occur during their childbearing years. In other cases, the cause of infertility may not be easy to detect. Some of the factors contributing to infertility include:

  • Abnormal sperm production or function in men
  • Endometriosis, a medical disorder that occurs when your uterine lining grows outside your uterus
  •  Fallopian tube blockage or damage
  • Being overweight
  • Poorly managed diabetes, cancer, and STDs
  • Tobacco abuse and excessive intake of alcohol
  • Presence of scar tissue in your pelvis
  • Ovulation abnormalities that may affect egg production
  • Menopause or being older than 35 years

The professional team at Capital Women’s Care uses cutting-edge diagnostic tools to determine your infertility’s root cause before recommending a treatment plan.

How can your doctor diagnose infertility?

If you have been trying to conceive to no avail, you and your partner may need to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. The team at Capital Women’s Care performs a thorough physical examination and reviews your and your partner’s medical history. They may also conduct the following tests in Men:

  • Blood tests to assess sperm mobility, quality, and quantity
  • Imaging tests to rule out reproductive organ defects
  • Genetic testing
  • A testicular biopsy

In women, they may conduct:

  • Genetic testing
  • Imaging tests
  • Ovulation testing using blood tests or ultrasound
  • A laparoscopy or hysteroscopy to have a clear view of your reproductive system

After diagnosis, your provider may perform noninvasive diagnostic procedures before moving to the invasive one to determine the cause of your infertility.

What are the available treatments for infertility?

Your treatment plan depends on the underlying cause of your infertility, and it may include:

  • Fertility medications
  • In vitro fertilization
  •  Lifestyle changes like medical weight loss and eating a healthy diet
  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • Artificial insemination
  • Proper management of diabetes and treatment of underlying medical conditions

IVF refers to a technique that involves fusing an egg and a sperm in a lab setting. After fertilization, your provider implants the zygote into your uterus. This treatment is adequate for most women under 35 years.

If you have been trying to conceive for about a year without success, call the Capital Women’s Care office for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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