
Dental Implants as the Permanent Tooth Replacement Option for Missing Teeth 

Tooth supported fixed bridge. Medically accurate 3D illustration

Dental Implants are the go-to option for dentists when it comes to fixing missing teeth. They are the most common and reliable solution which you can trust and go for. They are specially designed to look and work like our natural teeth. There’s an implant, a small titanium post, that gets placed into the jawbone. 

The dentist in Lakeview, Chicago helps provide a very well-built foundation for attaching custom-made dental crowns, bridges, or dentures, effectively restoring the appearance, function, and feel of natural teeth. This helps individuals to regain their smiles and gives them a confidence boost. 

Here are the key advantages and disadvantages of dental implants as a permanent tooth replacement option:

  • Longevity and Resilience:

Dental implants are supposed to be a long-term fix. They can last a lifetime if properly maintained. Because the titanium posts used in dental implants are biocompatible, they can integrate with the jawbone. This integration forms a solid and long-lasting link that offers stability and stops the breakdown of bones. Dental implants are exceptionally resilient since they are not vulnerable to decay or damage from cavities like dentures or bridges, which are other tooth replacement options.

  • A Natural Structure and Function:

Dental implants are identical to natural teeth in terms of both appearance and functionality. A continuous and natural-looking smile is ensured by the custom-made dental crowns or bridges that are fixed to the implants since they are constructed to match the neighboring teeth’ shape, color, and alignment. Additionally, dental implants offer ideal chewing and biting capabilities, enabling people to eat various foods without any limitations. You can eat with confidence thanks to dental implants’ stability and support because they no longer have to be concerned about your teeth slipping or shifting while doing so.

  • Expensive Option: 

Compared to dental bridges and dentures, Dental implants might come off as a very expensive option if you consider factors like the surgery procedure, cost, and laboratory fees. When the dental implant is customized according to your needs, it requires both time and mone, which can be a crucial deciding factor, but with the right professionals, it is worth it. 

  • Maintaining Jaw bone Health: 

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone under may eventually degenerate from lack of stimulation. In order to solve this problem, dental implants stimulate the jawbone during the integration process. Like natural tooth roots, the implants transmit forces from biting and chewing to the jawbone. By maintaining bone density and halting additional bone loss, this stimulation aids. Dental implants help support face structure by maintaining the jawbone, eliminating the sunken-in appearance that might result from tooth loss.

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