
What Is Cupping Therapy For Cellulite

Cupping therapy, these days, is being used to a greater extent in case of ailments such as cellulite as well as excess weight. This is one information however that you would know when you are going through cupping cellulite massage article on the internet.

The efficiency of the process has been proven by the number of celebrities who have vouched for this method. This deep-tissue therapy happens to be non-invasive in nature as well and the best part of it is that it really helps in the removal and healing of cellulite.

These days, medical-grade silicone cups or glass cups are used in order to perform this therapy.

How are they used?

These cups are normally used for purposes such as suction much like the normal suction cup. All you need to do is glide the cup along the area that you have targeted for treatment. In the conventional glass cups, the cups are heated up by putting in a burning object.

Examples of such objects include cotton wool, alcohol, and even herbs. The objects are removed once the cups have been heated long enough. The cup is then immediately inverted on to the target area. Here instead of force heat is used to create suction.   

Why does cellulite happen?

Cellulite is said to happen because of a genetic condition that causes your body to retain fluid. Other important causes, in this case, are weak veins that lead to a system of blood circulation that is just not good enough in the first place, and a lymphatic drainage system that does not work properly.

If your hormones are not properly balanced then too you can develop more fat cells in your body. Any and/or all of these factors can lead the fat cells under your skin to change to cellulite. This cellulite then pushes up the cords that are connected to the skin to the muscle that lies beneath.

This leads to the creation of dimpled and orange colored spots on your skin. They are really ungainly to look at and a clear sign that you have developed cellulite.

How does cupping therapy work?

When you apply the suction cup on skin a reverse pressure is applied and it leads the cellulite to get broken up. This process stimulates blood circulation and releases toxin and fat that get released and are moved towards the lymph drainage work. Cupping therapy is also effective when it comes to making sure that the lymph nodes are drained in a more effective way.

This is why the toxins are eliminated in a short span of time from your body. Cupping is also effective in easing the cords that connect the skin to the muscles. This is how it is able to reduce the build-up of fluids and skin starts looking healthier sans cellulite.

Cupping can work with regards to spot reduction as well. The traditional methods of weight reduction do not always target specific areas in your body. It is in such a scenario that cupping can prove to be highly effective.


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