
Common Conditions Treated Through Sports Medicine

A male teenage basketball player is at the doctors office to have some work done on his injury. A physical therapist is working with him on his injury.

Sports injuries are pretty standard. People injure themselves in sports such as baseball, football, and rugby. You can prevent injuries by wearing proper gear when participating in a sport, but sometimes accidents happen, and people get injured whether they were prepared or not. Often it is difficult to heal from a sports injury. Most people mistake rushing back to their sport too quickly and end up injured for longer than they should be. The best way to prevent damage is by allowing the body to heal after being disabled. In these articles, we discuss various sports injuries. If you have any of the conditions mentioned in this article, you can benefit from Princeton Sports And Family Medicine in Lawrenceville.

Achilles Injuries

An Achilles injury is the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel. This type of injury is common among runners and basketball players. The easiest way to prevent this type of injury is by strengthening your calves with exercises like seated or standing calf raises. Also, wearing supportive athletic shoes when participating in high-impact sports will help keep your ankles stable and robust enough to prevent this type of injury. It will also help to stretch your calves before engaging in strenuous activities. You can get an Achilles tendon injury by overusing the muscle until it tears, sometimes even during rest. Treatment for Achilles injuries ranges from rest and ice to surgery, depending on the severity of the injury.

Golfers Elbow

Golfer’s elbow is a common condition among golfers but can affect people in other sports such as baseball players and weight lifters. Golfer’s elbow is an inflammation or irritation of the tendons that connect your forearm muscles to your elbow. It is believed that this condition is caused by the repetitive use of these tendons in specific wrist movements. Symptoms include pain in the inside part of your elbow when you bend it or rotate your forearm. To treat a golfer’s elbow, you should avoid any movement that causes pain in your elbows and ice your elbows for short periods several times a day. Your doctor will also recommend anti-inflammatory medications and possibly a steroid injection.


Arthritis is a common condition among older people but can also be found in younger people participating in sports. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, the most common being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the joints and causes pain, stiffness, and swelling. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that mainly attacks the spine and can cause pain, fatigue, and weakness. The best way to prevent arthritis is by participating in low-impact sports like swimming or cycling. If you participate in high-impact sports, make sure to wear supportive shoes with shock absorption features.

In summary, sports injuries can be excruciating and debilitating. It is best to avoid them by taking precautions such as wearing the right shoes, stretching before engaging in strenuous activities, and icing after workouts or practices. Some of the most common conditions treated through sports medicine include arthritis, a golfer’s elbow, an Achilles injury.

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