
Causes of Low Back Pain

The low back is the second most frequently injured area in the body, with pain accounting for more than 13 million physician visits each year. Low back pain causes many symptoms, including muscle spasms, numbness or tingling of the legs, and difficulty walking. The most common cause of low back pain is a protruding disc, which can press on nerves as they leave the spine. Women are twice as likely, and men are three times more likely to suffer from low back pain than people without any back problems. If you experience any symptoms, you should see a specialist in low back pain in Glen Rock. In this article, we look at the different causes of low back pain. Read more below.

Lifting is one of the most common activities that cause back pain. Lifting incorrectly, such as trying to lift an object with your legs rather than your arms or bending forward at the waist instead of squatting down before lifting, can cause low back strain and lead to serious injury. If you do feel a lot of pain, stop what you are doing. Try to modify the activity or find a different way to complete it so that you don’t have to lift as much weight.

  • Sitting Too Much

Sitting too much can cause a great deal of strain on your back. When you sit down all the time, your spine, muscles, and ligaments that keep it in line will stiffen and atrophy. Over time, this can cause pain and even lead to injury. If you have a sedentary job, get up from your desk every so often and stretch or walk around. Doing some of the exercises mentioned above is also a good idea if you sit for long periods.

  • Incorrect Posture

One of the biggest causes of low back pain is incorrect posture, leading to back strain or disc injury. This can be made worse by obesity and pregnancy, as these conditions put more pressure on your spine. Poor working environments, like poorly designed chairs and cramped spaces, can also cause bad posture.

  • Smoking

People who smoke are much more likely to suffer from low back pain than those who don’t smoke. Smoking can limit blood flow, which leads to decreased oxygen levels in the muscles and bones of your spine. This is known as a peripheral vascular disease (PVD). People with PVD often complain of backache or back-related leg pain that can be pretty severe. PVD affects one out of every three smokers and is an avoidable cause of low back pain.

  • Diabetes

If you have diabetes, your risk for developing several severe health conditions increases, including Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as depression and arthritis. Not only does having diabetes increase your risk of developing several other disorders, but it also increases your risk for low back pain.

In summary, low back pain causes many symptoms, including muscle spasms, numbness or tingling of the legs, and difficulty walking. Some of the most common causes of low back pain include heavy lifting and sitting too much. Diabetes, incorrect posture, and smoking can also cause low back pain.

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