
Are marijuana detox kits effective?

Pre-employment drug tests are not uncommon in many companies, requiring every cannabis user remove marijuana from the body as soon as possible. It is widely believed that many pills and drinks can serve as a temporary solution to the marijuana detox problem, eliminating toxins from urine, blood and saliva for some period of time. In the article below, we will try to find out if marijuana detox kits are really effective.

To pass a drug test, some marijuana users rely on home remedies. Current studies reveal that they mostly fail to accelerate the process of ridding the body from marijuana. Since the levels of cannabinoids fluctuate, it is difficult to predict if the drug test is going to be passed. An alternative is to use commercial detox kits. Their comments are highly individual, but usually report full success.

When discussing whether detox kits are effective, we need an insight into the composition of these kits. Most detox kits include a mixture of vitamin C, charcoal, goldenseal, lecithin, vinegar, and herbal tea. Useful are also detoxifying beverages and daily food supplements. Each marijuana detox kit comes with nutrition plans and usage instructions to predetermine a successful outcome of the impending drug test, and manufacturers offer a money-back guarantee if the product fails.FOOD

Detox kits remove 100% toxins from the blood and improve the functions of liver in a matter of two weeks. However, wonder products, like Herbal Clean’s Premium Detox, need 7 days to completely purify the blood of a marijuana user. They are also based on natural ingredients, vitamins, and rejuvenating elements. Urine detox products are quicker to handle the situation and lead to instant (though temporary) results. Most detox kits include cleansing mouthwashes and saliva cleansers that remove traces of marijuana from saliva within 15-30 minutes, as well as purifying shampoos that wash out drug traces from the hair. Saliva tests are easy to fabricate with the help of detox kits, whereas fooling a hair sample analysis is less feasible. Both of these smart solutions are efficient, but their result lasts for only a short period of time.

To make sure that the drug test is going to be successful, you need to take into consideration a couple of crucial ideas. The first question to ask is how much time you have before the test. Certain detox drinks are highly effective only during a limited period of time. They also require some number of minutes, hours or days to reach the maximum level of efficiency. So, one will have to prepare for the drug test in advance. Next, much of the detox kits effectiveness will depend on the rate of metabolism, the intensity of smoking cannabis and the body’s weight and fat index. In addition, one has to abstain from smoking for about 48-72 hours before the test, strictly follow the detox kit instructions and start detoxifying the body from three to seven days before the test. This things, if done together, will help you get through, and prove the fact that the detox kits really work.

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