
Adult Braces: Busting Some Myths

Many people automatically think of an adolescent or child with obtrusive metal brackets and wires. This, however, is a misleading generalization. Dental braces are a great option for orthodontic patients of any age, and many different kinds are available. In fact, an increasing number of grownups are getting this orthodontic work done so they can reap the many benefits it provides. Discuss your options with Memphis, TN dentist.

Don’t let the fact that you’re getting older stop you from getting treatment if you’ve got untreated dental alignment concerns or wish to address newly developed issues. Let us dispel some common misconceptions regarding adult braces by addressing them below.

Myth No. 1: Adult Braces Are Too Expensive

The total price of your orthodontic treatment will vary based on a number of aspects, including the complexity of your case and the duration of your therapy. Putting off your goal of a beautiful, healthy smile because of the cost is not the only option. Many orthodontic practices now offer a variety of payment and financing options to help patients afford their orthodontic treatment.

A second common misconception is that it’s too late to benefit from braces.

The idea that straightening one’s teeth is no longer an option because of one’s age is widely held among adults. This is completely false. It’s never too late to get braces, regardless of age. Brackets straighten teeth by gradually exerting pressure on them in a carefully controlled manner. Whether you are 14 or 40, the idea behind the orthodontic treatment is the same.

Myth 3: Getting Braces Is Excruciating

Unlike the bulky, uncomfortable, and ineffective braces of the twentieth century, the orthodontic devices used nowadays are much smaller. Minor discomfort is to be expected, but nothing that can’t be remedied with some pain medication or orthodontic wax. Clear aligners are another option; they are made of smooth plastic trays without any rough edges.

Myth 4: Adult braces are a time commitment

The duration of treatment varies from case to case and is determined by factors such as the severity of the malocclusion, the type of braces chosen, and the patient’s aesthetic goals. Consequently, orthodontic procedures today are designed to provide patients with the best possible experience while producing the desired results. Brackets for straightening teeth can be worn for a minimum of six months and up to two years.

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