
7 Quick and Easy Emergency Denture Repairs You Can Do at Home

Have you ever experienced a denture mishap at the most inconvenient time? Don’t hesitate. When your dentures break or become uncomfortable, there are very quick and easy fixes you can do right at home. Whether it’s a cracked denture base, a broken tooth, loose clasps, or sore spots, this blog post has compiled a list of practical denture repair fixes that will help restore your smile in no time. There is no need to either panic or rush to the dentist immediately; with simple tools and handy tricks, you can address common denture issues effectively.

1.      Assessing the Damage

One of the very first steps in dealing with an emergency denture repair is to assess the damage. Carefully examine your dentures to determine the extent of the problem. Start by performing what is called the “wiggle test.” Gently try to move each denture component, such as the base, the teeth, and the clasps. If anything feels loose, broken, or out of place, you’ll know what needs to be fixed.

2.      Using Denture Adhesive as a Temporary Fix

Denture adhesive can be a lifesaver when it comes to temporary denture repairs. If you notice a crack or fracture in your denture base, don’t panic just yet. Apply a very small amount of denture adhesive to the affected area, carefully align the pieces, and press them together. The adhesive will create a temporary bond, holding your denture in place until you can repair it professionally. Remember, this is just a temporary fix, so schedule an actual appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

3.      Denture Repair Kit Essentials

Having a denture repair kit at home can be incredibly helpful in tackling emergency repairs. Here are some essentials you should consider including in your kit:

  • Denture adhesive: As mentioned earlier, denture adhesive can be helpful for temporary fixes.
  • Denture cleaning solution: Keeping your dentures clean is crucial for maintaining their integrity.
  • Dental floss or thread: These can temporarily reattach a lost tooth.
  • Small mirror: A mirror will help you see the problem areas more clearly.
  • Tweezers: Precise tweezers can assist in handling small components of the denture.
  • Emery board or sandpaper: These tools can smooth rough edges temporarily.
  • Dental wax: Dental wax temporarily relieves sore spots caused by ill-fitting dentures.
  • Orthodontic rubber bands: These can help hold broken denture parts together temporarily.

4.      Finding and Reattaching a Lost Tooth

Losing a tooth from your denture can be disheartening, but fear not; it’s possible to reattach it temporarily. First, carefully inspect your denture and locate the missing tooth. If the tooth is still intact, clean both the tooth and the space it needs to be reattached to. Apply a small amount of denture adhesive or dental wax to the tooth’s base and press it firmly into place.

5.      Using Dental Wax for a Snug Fit

If you’re experiencing discomfort from loose denture clasps, dental wax can be a game-changer. Start by cleaning the clasps and the area around them. Then, soften a small piece of dental wax by warming it between your fingers. Mould the wax around the loose clasp, creating a snug fit that securely holds the denture. This makeshift solution will help alleviate discomfort until you can have your denture adjusted adequately by a dentist.

6.      Using Denture Reliners To Alleviate Soreness

Sore spots are common with dentures, especially if they don’t fit properly. Denture reliners can provide temporary relief until you can professionally adjust your denture. Denture reliners come in liquid or powder form, and they can be applied onto the surface of the denture. Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions to create a new, cushioned layer on the denture that reduces friction and pressure on sensitive areas of your gums.

7.      Creating Temporary Wire Support for a Broken Denture

In the very unfortunate event of a broken denture, you can create temporary wire support to hold the pieces together until you can visit your dentist. Start cleaning the denture’s broken pieces and ensuring they fit together snugly. Then, take a piece of orthodontic wire or a paperclip and carefully bend it into a shape that supports and stabilizes the broken areas. Gently attach the wire or paperclip to the denture, securing the broken pieces.


Ultimately, knowing how to perform quick and easy emergency denture repairs at home can be a game-changer when unexpected mishaps occur. While these quick and easy emergency denture repairs can help you tackle common problems at home, it’s essential to remember that they are temporary solutions. Seeking professional dental assistance is crucial for long-term denture functionality and oral health. Use these DIY fixes until you can schedule an appointment with your dentist. Taking care of your dentures and addressing repairs will ensure you can continue enjoying a confident smile.

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