Month Archives: September 2021


Pay Attention to These Common Health Problems Before It’s Too Late

As per studies, individuals always choose to avoid medical care for a few common health concerns. They avoid seeking medical treatment because they believe that such conditions will not cause significant harm. Some people are simply ignorant of their symptoms,...


5 Ways to Raise a Confident and Optimistic Teen

As a period of transition and uncertainty, adolescence comes with many challenges and pressure, leading to different types of insecurities. If you have a teenage son or daughter, you fully understand what this means. An insecure child, however, is an...


Special Care Guide for the Intimate Area

Intimate health impacts all women, yet the issue is still not often discussed. Remember that you are not alone, and your health is not anything to be ashamed of. Most diseases, such as thrush and bacterial vaginosis (BV), are simple to...


How to Care for Someone with Sundowning Syndrome

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is already distressing enough for the person and the loved ones. However, it can become even more complicated once the illness progresses. By then, they might exhibit hard-to-understand behaviors. One of these is sundowning. What...


First Aid For Your Maskne (Mask Acne)

Maskne is the new acne breakout. Maskne is not something that is new. In fact, maskne breakouts are common to football players and other professions who have prolonged mask-wearing. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic that mandates us to wear...

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