Clare Louise


Male & Female infertility causes and complications:

Not being able to conceive can be devastating. It takes immense strength to overcome infertility especially for young couples, it can be a nightmare. With so much of life ahead and not having a child can be a real loss....


Watching TV with Hearing Aids

One of the problems that you may have discussed with your ear health provider is hearing the TV. You may have trouble following what is on the TV. Unfortunately, millions of people suffer from that problem. Most people spend a...


3 Ways to Improve Your Eye Health

Do you want to improve your eye health or focus on doing different things to protect your eyesight over the years? Taking good care of the eyes is more important than a lot of people realize. If you have noticed...


Dealing With Sports Injuries

Everyone who knows anything about health will tell you that regular exercise is necessary for good health. However, any physical activity comes with some risk of injury. When we enter into the extremes of physical activity that are synonymous with...

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