
Treatment of myopia – Simple Fix for Nearsightedness

What is Myopia?

This is an eye condition where the patient can’t see clearly into the distance. Short-sightedness can often develop quickly in children as they grow, becoming worse in their teenage years. As you enter your twenties, the condition tends to stabilize. Myopia can often be spotted in children because of the tendency of those kids to squint at objects.

The treatment is available by using contact lenses, glasses, or having eye surgery, depending on how severe the problem is. A person may need to wear their glasses or contact lenses permanently or whenever necessary, like driving or while watching TV.

The strength of the lenses will depend on how weak your eyesight is, and the weaker the vision is, the stronger the lenses become. Individuals are suffering from Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, experience problems when trying to read any objects, including signboards that are located at a distance. However, they can see clearly while sewing or reading.

So what exactly causes Myopia?

Myopia can be caused by the following:
1. The outer surface of the eye or the cornea is too curved.
2. Your eyeball is too long.

When an individual suffering from Myopia views at distant objects, the light rays from those distant objects are near enough parallel to each other. In order to focus on the image, rays need to bent. This then converges onto the retina at the back of the eye. However, the rays are bent too much and converge in front of the retina.

When a patient with Myopia focuses on a near object, for example, when reading a book, the rays of light from those close objects enter the eyes at an angle, which means the light ought to be bent more. In this circumstance, the rays do focus properly on the retina. Therefore, near vision is not affected by the myopic condition.


Myopia treatment can lessen the requirement for contact lenses as well as glasses should a person have refractive surgery whereby a laser is used. During this surgical procedure, a layer of corneal tissue is removed and flattened, enabling light rays to enter the retina.

Alternatively, there is a standard procedure that is performed by the ophthalmologist. It cuts a flap through the top of the cornea and removes the corneal tissue with a laser. Afterward, the flap is placed into the position again.

A procedure of this nature is done under general anesthesia, and postoperatively the person may experience slight pain and discomfort over twenty hours.

Nowadays, more and more individuals are deciding on surgical correction, such as using LASIK or PRK. LASIK works by making a flap in the cornea and by taking away a small piece of tissue before the flap being reattached. The eye can then focus again normally as the length of the eye from front to back is reduced.

There are also non-surgical methods that can be applied where the person will wear contact lenses that are specially designed to reshape the cornea correcting the Myopia gradually. On removal of the lenses, the cornea will have reshaped itself, and the person will have 20/20 vision.

In terms of medication, FDA-approved photosensitive drugs called Vysudine, which is introduced as a treatment for the abnormal development of blood vessels in pathologic Myopia or revascularization.

If you suffer from nearsightedness, you may wish to try eye exercise as myopia treatment alternatives. Gentle massage may be of help. Also, you might try some palming techniques. Sunning methods can be warm and soothing. To avoid unnecessary strain, do not read in bed, and try to avoid late-night reading and writing. Always ensure that you have an adequate reading light, also.

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