
Medical Conditions That Can Cause Chronic Back Pain

naked young woman with a pain in a waist on a black background.

One of the common reasons people miss a day at work or school is back pain. Back pain is primarily due to mechanical problems and soft-tissue injuries resulting from sprains or strains. Fortunately, it gets better with home remedies such as rest and hot compressions. However, other times back pain in Tampa may last for an extended time, affecting your quality of life. Back pain that lasts for more than three months is said to be chronic, and most of the time, it is due to underlying problems. Below are the common causes of chronic back pain.

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is the constriction of the spinal space where nerves pass by. It mainly affects the cervical and lumbar areas but can occur anywhere within the spine. Narrowing the spinal space puts pressure on nerves, resulting in symptoms such as pain, muscle weakness, and tingling. Your spinal area may contract due to injuries, thickened ligaments, tumors, overgrowth of bone, and herniated discs.

Degenerative disc disease

The spinal cord comprises rubbery cushions which act as shock absorbers and enable you to bend and make other back movements. As an effect of aging, these disks wear down, allowing vertebrae to rub against each other. Friction between the bones produces pain and may result in other problems such as scoliosis, herniated disc, and spondylolisthesis. Disc degeneration affects almost everyone above 40 years and approximately 5% of adults with this problem experience back pain. Factors such as smoking, obesity, and occupation increase your risk of this disease.

Herniated disc

The spinal cord consists of several vertebrae, and between each bone lies a rubbery disc that acts as a shock absorber. These discs have a tough outer membrane called the annulus, which covers the inner content of the disc. As you age, the annulus degenerates, developing a weak spot where a fragment of the disc nucleus pushes out. If the herniated disc presses on nerves, you may experience severe pain along with other symptoms such as numbness and weakness.

Your symptoms depend on the location of the herniated disc along your spine. For example, a herniated disc along the lumbar region may result in lower back pain, and a bulged disc in the cervical region of the spine causes neck pain.


Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is the most common form of arthritis, and it mainly attacks your wrists, hips, and knees. It is an age-related disease that causes wear and tears to the cartilage covering the joints in your body. Friction between bones causes mechanical changes, which gradually develop over time. These changes worsen and, in some cases, may result in disability. Common symptoms of osteoarthritis include stiff, swollen, and painful joints. Osteoarthritis has no cure, and the available treatments help in symptom management.

While most back pain improves without treatment, it is essential to get a diagnosis to rule out any underlying condition. If you have a sore back, book a session with your doctor at Jeffery Miller for treatment to improve your quality of life.

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