
Is Chiropractic Safe for You?

This holistic treatment is becoming more and more popular as it’s giving very good results for some serious conditions without any invasive methods. However, the question of its safety has arisen due to several cases of severe complications directly triggered by a chiropractic treatment. So, many people are wondering if this technique is safe and if it’s worth the risk. Given the vast array of conditions that can be managed by this technique, I believe it is. Here’s just a short list of conditions chiropractors successfully treat

Of course, there is always a small possibility of something going wrong, but it is so in any medical treatment. Plus, the percentage of cases gone wrong in chiropractic is minimal, and most probably not directly caused by the treatment. But let’s see all the facts and make sure you’re on the safe side.

Know Your Facts

Chiropractic is considered one of the safest musculoskeletal treatments as it doesn’t use any medications or invasive surgical procedures. Chiropractors rely only on the skill of their hands. This is why their medical records are among the safest ones in medical practice. What’s more, chiropractic has one of the lowest rates for insurance coverage because the risk of malpractice in their field of medicine is extremely low, meaning chances are minimal you come across cases of negligence and incompetence among chiropractors.

However, there have been cases of that. Even though they are rare and far in between, they get plenty of publicity. So, how and why do chiropractic malpractice casesoccur and how to avoid them?

ChiropracticSide Effects

As already mentioned, it is difficult to find a medical treatment which can be said to be one hundred percent safe. Chiropractic is no exception, so there have been registered cases of patients’ complaints about pains and aches after the initial treatments. This is no reason to worry as it is normal and expected. Fear not, though, it is temporary and harmless.

However, there have been cases, very rare, though, of stroke or vertebral artery dissection. This has caused a lot of turmoil and controversy over this kind of treatment. But it has been established that such severe consequences happened only in patients who already had pre-existing medical conditions, and weren’t caused by the chiropractic treatment itself.

Do a General Medical Check-Up before Going to a Chiropractor

In order to avoid such unpleasant surprises, make sure you do a medical check-up at your general practitioner and establish all potential risk factors. Also, if you know of a pre-existing medical condition, do not hesitate to share it with your chiropractor. They will certainly ask you about your overall health condition before starting the treatment, but still be sure to point out whatever you consider important for your health and safety. As much as you care about your well-being, your chiropractor does as well, so it’s in their interest to provide the best possible care and help you as much as they can. But you need to help them as well, making sure they have all the facts before starting the treatment.

Go to a Certified Chiropractor

With the rise of popularity of this method, the number of chiropractors has, logically, increased. However, not all of them are equally qualified to do it, so it’s a good idea to be careful when choosing a chiropractor.

Make sure it is either recommended by your general practitioner, or by someone you trust, ideally frompersonal experience. It can a be achiropractor who works individually but has anexcellent reputation and track record, or you can turn to a renowned chiropractor institution which is certain to hire only top professionals and guarantee maximum safety.


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