
What is the Difference between Fat Transfer & Butt Implants for a Butt Lift?

If you’re unhappy with the way your behind looks, you may be thinking about a butt lift.

If you’ve been doing your research, you’ve probably come across two popular procedures – fat transfer, which is also known as fat grafting, and butt implants.

What are the differences between these procedures though and which option produces the best results? And finally, are you the right candidate for either of these procedures?

Butt Implants vs. Fat Transfer

These two butt lift procedures are very different in a number of ways.

To begin with, fat transfer, which is also commonly referred to as a Brazilian butt lift, uses liposuction to remove excess fat from areas such as the thighs, flank and abdomen. Once this fat is processed, it will be transferred into the buttocks.

Butt implants, on the other hand, involve the insertion of silicone implants into the buttocks in order to add volume.

Now let’s look at some of the other key differences between these two procedures.

What risks are associated with these procedures?

A Brazilian butt lift uses the body’s natural fat to enhance the buttocks and give it a more contoured appearance, which means that the body won’t reject the fat. However, since butt implants contain silicone and are foreign objects, it increases the chances of the implants being rejected. Butt implants are also a more invasive procedure, which means that there’s an increased risk of infection.  

If you want to speak to a professional about these types of bum lift details, you can contact someone at Ritz Plastic Surgery.

How long will recovery take?

Regardless of whether you choose a fat transfer procedure or butt implants, you are going to need some time to recover. The recovery process for a Brazilian butt lift is much shorter and easier though. While you won’t be able to sit on your buttocks during your recovery phase, butt implants require you to stay off your behind for at least 3 weeks to a month.  

Are my results permanent?

The results of a fat transfer procedure are permanent, which is one of the many reasons why it’s the preferred butt augmentation option. It is, however, imperative that you follow your surgeon’s post-surgery care instructions if you want to see the best possible results. For example, you will need to refrain from engaging in any strenuous lifting or exercise for several weeks, wear your compression garments and maintain your weight if you want to see the desired results. Butt implants, on the other hand, need to be replaced every 10 years.

Am I the ideal candidate for a butt lift?

Most people in good health are ideal candidates for butt implants but in order to qualify for a Brazilian butt lift, you will need to have excess fat available to transfer into the buttocks.

Overall, fat transfer is the safer option and will leave you with the most natural looking shape over the long term.

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