
Are You Addicted To Weed?

According to the aspects of recovery, insanity is a type of behavior exhibited by an individual that would actually border on lunacy. Delving further along that mindset they also include it to be judged as that because an addict will keep returning to the source of their conundrum in the endeavor of a different outcome.

That is certainly a characteristic that exemplifies the addict but it omits the inclusion of the drug. That has been the source of the core failure shared by addicts across the board. For years, recovery programs have generalized their treatment techniques and neglected the source of the addicts query; the drug or in our case, marijuana.Related image

It has finally been revealed that the symptoms and indications of addiction to marijuana are specified by the drug of choice that they partake of. That is why real time clinical diagnosis for weed addiction has been eluding the experts and prevailing over the ones who were addicted. The treatment options were being generated in the wrong theory therefore missing the targeted results clinicians were aiming for and the relief the weed addicts needed.

As this new feature has developed, treatment options are evolving and we now grasp the questions needed to direct accurate levels of diagnosis.

If you feel that you are in danger of being addicted to weed then try out these questions. The answers you give will establish where you are presently in the status of your weed consumption. Once you make this discovery, then you will have the armor to begin rising above the catacombs of weed addiction and seek a recovery option that will return you to the life you left behind.

  • Do you isolate your life around all things weed? Does it dictate your activities, friends, job options?
  • Do you regulate your consumption patterns or do you allow yourself to be dominantly driven by your urges?
  • What comes first in the morning, coffee or weed?
  • Does weed use dominate your time?
  • Do you obsess about the levels of your stash?
  • Is a low count cause for a panic attack?
  • Do you resource weed to place walls between you and life on any level?
  • Is weed your best friend, with an emotional attachment?
  • Have you been able to abstain from use longer than the duration of a day?
  • Does the thought of getting stoned dominate your thoughts to the point of distraction?
  • Have the people that you are or once were closest to address your using habits with trepidation?
  • Has your consumption progressed in frequency or quantity?
  • Have you been inspired to endeavor for a more intense high with a stronger drug?
  • Are the repercussions of your usage ever an issue that concerns you?
  • Does abstinence alter the levels in which you can adequately function and or cope with life?
  • Do you relatively remain a functioning member of society or have you completely crossed over into a subculture existence?
  • Have you rejigged on responsibilities or commitments as a result of getting stoned?
  • Do you miss the life you led before weed?


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