
The Importance of Probiotics

Probiotics are a very important factor for our health, especially within the digestive system. They are a live bacteria and yeast and although we usually think of diseases when we think of bacteria that is not the case. Your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad and they are vital to keep you healthy.

When you lose the good bacteria in your body, for example, after taking antibiotics, probiotics can help to replace these. They work to balance the good and bad bacteria to keep your body working as it should.

Probiotics can really help to treat a number of conditions, some of them being:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Infectious diarrhoea(caused by a virus, bacteria, or parasite)
  • Antibiotic-related diarrhoea


There is a little bit of research to show that they could also help to fight other problems such as:

  • Skin conditions such as eczema
  • Urinary and vaginal health
  • Preventing allergies and colds
  • Oral health

Sometimes you are not aware when you need probiotics, as this is an area most people do not tend to think about. Here are eight signs you need probiotics

  1. Antibiotic use- clearly the opposite to probiotics these kill the bacteria in the body, unfortunately, both good and bad. So to balance this out you should take probiotics
  2. Food poisoning – if you have recently eaten something bad and been ill from it there’s a good chance that bad bacteria is lingering in your body. Taking probiotics will help to balance back out the levels of bad and good bacteria
  3. Digestive disturbances – if your gut has not been functioning quite as it should, often healthy bacteria can help ease the symptoms and no further treatment would be needed.
  4. Skin conditions – if you suffer from acne, eczema, rashes or hives it can most likely be due to poor digestion and an imbalance of gut bacteria.
  5. Mood disorder – stress, anxiety, irritability and depression can be caused by your intestinal flora being out of sync. Probiotics normalize this and help the functioning of neurotransmitters.
  6. Weak immunity – if you suffer from the flu every year, maxed out your sick days at work and seem to catch anything that is going around then you should try probiotics, proven to boost the immune system, strengthening its defences against illness.
  7. Asthma and allergies – research has shown promise in probiotics reducing the severity of the symptoms and the medication use to treat asthma. Most of the time food allergies are caused by leaky gut, which can be improved by proper flora levels.
  8. Yeast infections – suffers of yeast infections or candida have a high chance of overgrowth of bad bacteria in the body, as previously said probiotics can bring the balance of bacteria back to the normal rate.

If you think, you should give your body the probiotics it so clearly needs then you need to know how to get your hands on them. A very good source is found in kefir grains, they are bursting with billions or natural probiotics. They create a fermented milk drink similar to probiotic bottles, usually found in supermarkets; however, this is completely natural packed with much more beneficial elements.


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