
Why is healthy food in Singapore so expensive?

People all over the world are getting a lot more serious about their diet than ever before, recognizing that for too long now we have been spending a lot of time literally digging our graves with our own teeth.

By choosing smarter, healthier food options we are able to lead much longer and much more productive lives. We feel better, we think cleaver, and we were able to tackle all of the curveballs that life throws at us from time to time without feeling completely and totally overwhelmed.

At the same time, most folks agree that eating healthy is nowhere near as inexpensive as eating poorly. Cheap food is usually high in calories, high in filler ingredients, and loaded with all kinds of sugar, salt, and fat – not exactly what you’re looking for when you’re cleaning out your diet.

This healthy food in Singapore, however, is even more expensive on average than it is most anywhere else. This puts a real damper on the healthy foods seen in Singapore, and it may end up costing the lives of millions of people in this nation if the course doesn’t correct.

The cost of production is sky high

The cost of producing healthy food in Singapore is a lot higher than it is compared to producing “junk food”, for a variety of different reasons.

For most of the healthy food in Singapore, organic standards come into play – and organic standards require those that grow or produce the food that will be labeled organic to follow a variety of specific rules, regulations, and restrictions that nonorganic foods do not need to adhere to.

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On top of that, it takes a lot more to grow and develop organic food – of the plant or animal variety. This means organic food cannot be scaled as quickly as nonorganic food, and that’s going to cut into profit margins as well.

The marketing of healthy foods commands a premium price tag

While it would be (in a perfect world) advantageous to have the healthiest food coming in at the lowest of prices, nothing could be further from the truth – and some of that has to do with marketing, especially when we are talking about relatively “exotic” health food options.

Supply and demand always dictates the price of goods, and when healthy food – especially relatively new or relatively hard to get healthy foods – are offered on the open market the demand is so high that prices go up.

As more and more people want to lead a healthier lifestyle, more are going to seek out healthy food options. And because we are talking about healthy food – food that will literally improve your health almost immediately – most people are VERY motivated to make these kinds of purchases, even if it is going to hit their pocketbook or their wallet a little bit harder than it might have otherwise.

Obviously, there are some exceptions to sky high prices of healthy food options in Singapore. But when you think about it like this – that purchasing the most expensive healthy food is a lot less expensive than paying for healthcare costs – everything seems to come back into balance!

About Author

Morris Edwards is a content writer at, he writes different topics like Build a safe and healthy workplace, Pretty Happy at Work: Healthy Ways to Love What You Do and all topics related to Entrepreneurship and Singapore Business Formation.

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