
Buy your condom: points that you need to know

buy condoms

Nowadays, it’s important to understand that why wearing condom is so important. There are many people who feel ashamed or embarrassed by using or even buying condoms.  It is important as it not only protects you from STDs but also makes your sexual experience better and comfortable. There is a different point that is important to know when it comes to buying a condom. Like, for safe sex you should use latex, polyurethane, and non-latex condoms that can protect you from different types of STDs and your partner from pregnancy. If you are using Lambskin condoms then it can only protect from pregnancy but there is no guarantee about protection from STDs.

What you need to know?

Buying a perfect condom is not that hard but the problem arises when you have no idea about the condom sizes. Especially for those who are going to buy for first time it become more frustrating as well as embarrassing to find condom sizes. There are different shapes, sizes, texture, flavor, and colors are available in condom for making your sexual experience better and safer. Here are some points that you need to understand so you can choose your perfect condom.

  • Know about the size: however, it’s not that hard to know about the size that is going to fit you’re perfectly, there are different condom size chart that can help you. There are four sizes that you can buy i.e. snugger fit for small penis, large or extra large fit, and regular fit. A wrong selection can make you uncomfortable and unprotected, so take care of size while buying.
  • Lubrication or non lubrication : it’s another question  that usually arises at the time of buying condoms lubricated condoms  are  coated with water or silicon that helps in easing the friction and penetration, one other hand non lubricated condoms are good  for oral sex and for those people who has sensitive skin or allergies  from  lubricants.
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