
Best way to cure Erectile dysfunction

To have a strong relationship with life partners it is very important to maintain a good physical relationship. However, many people face the problem where one partner or the other are having difficulties during physical act. Women and men have different bodies and that is why their needs and problems are also different. If men are having problems during physical act, the problem can be Erectile dysfunction. It is a problem in which the male partner is unable to keep the erection and that can cause problems during physical act. This problem in men is known as ED but the very common term for this problem is impotence.

This problem is very common in men. It is not something permanent and serious. There are many reasons, which can cause this problem in men, but the most common reason is mental and physical stress. This can also happen if the relationship is going on a wrong side. Most people lost their interest in physical act in a relationship mostly when they start having problems in their relationship. Emotional stress is a very big reason, which can cause ED in men.

To know more about this problem and its symptoms, it is a good idea to consult to your doctor. Commonly this problem is not something serious but it can be a serious problem and to know properly how serious problem this problem can be, people need to consult with their doctors. Your doctor can determine if your sexual disorder is caused by an underlying condition that requires treatment. There are some diseases too, which can cause this problem such as Hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes. This problem can also occur because of some damage that occurred as after effects of cancer or surgery.  Some serious injury and obesity can also cause it. Some bad habits like lot of smoking and use of alcohol can also cause this problem.

Age is a very big factor. At a certain age this problem start occurring and it keep getting serious and serious with growing age. Different men start having this problem at different stages of life, 30% of men start having this problem when they are of 70 and more, 12% of men face it when they are 6o years old and less and 22% men start having this problem at the age of 60s. There are some drinks too are causing it when men drink them too much.

It is important for people to go to their doctor in any kind of physical problem but there are some medicines also available in the market for it. Most of these medicines are oral. Fildena softgel 100 is one of such medicine. It cures ED in men and gives them energy so that they can have a good physical act. In this medicine Sildenafil Citrate 100mg has been used. This product helps to cure the constant penile failures. Taking this medicine is also very easy. People who need it can take it one capsule whole each day simply with plain water. But before taking any medicine, it is important to go to a doctor first.

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